Delhi's mystery

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Landing in Delhi, Mr. Deshmukh's guards received us. Ok, this feels a bit extreme. We do have guards at our home and office but we don't have them wherever we go. Well, this is Mr. Deshmukh we are talking about and his darling daughter.

They loaded our luggage in the car. The little pooh (referring to Adiraj) is dozing off on his mom's shoulder. When we got settled in the back seat, the car veered into the traffic. I don't know much about Delhi. I have been here only once, when I was a kid. For sightseeing. Our branches in Delhi were handled by Neeraj Bhai. So, I never bothered to come here. Akki and I planned to visit here soon but that soon was often delayed.

Within a few minutes, the car pulled up into the garage of a house. It was not a huge mansion but not a small one either. Situated in the centre of the city, it's quite catchy. Once the car came to a stop, I hopped out and took Adiraj into my hands. He hasn't moved a bit. He placed his head on my shoulder, still sleeping. Advika then hopped out and offered her hands to Adiraj, "It's alright." I said, patting the little one's back.

Nodding, Advika walked up to the front door and I followed her silently.

"Stop right there." An authoritative voice hit my ears as soon as we walked up to the main door.

"Damnnnn!!" Advika whined immediately.

"What's wrong?" I asked, standing beside her.

"I hadn't thought that she would be here!" She sort of whined and I found her cute.

"Who is she?" I asked.

She moved closer to me, "She is my Papa's aunt. She lives in Agra but often visits Delhi, I don't know why though. And whenever she visits Delhi, she stays here." Advika whispered.

"So, what's wrong?"

"I hate her." Advika sort of hissed.

"Why?" I whispered to her.

"She hates Viraj."

I blinked, "Viraj?"

"Umm... My husband... I mean.. my first...." She trailed off and I nodded. So, that explains the name of this little one. Advika and Viraj, combined Adiraj. Nice one. But a pang of something hit my chest.

"Why does she hate him?" I asked her to ignore the feeling that's bubbling up in me.

Advika shrugged, "Viraj is not from our status."

My lips formed a little O. As soon as my mind processed that information, a thing struck with it. I remember that I thought Advika might be marrying me for money and status. At that time I brushed it off considering that Advika is a step above us. But now I'm feeling cheap of myself for thinking of her like that.

"It's the first time you're stepping inside this house, together. So wait up there." The same voice of Mr. Deshmukh's aunt came again. She is now standing a few feet away from us, inside the door. A moment later, a helper came towards us with an Aarti plate and performed some rituals.

And then she welcomed us inside. Unlike what Advika said about her, she looks sweet. With a gentle face and a gentle smile.

Soon we were headed to a room upstairs and our luggage was loaded in.

"Freshen up and come fast soon. Breakfast will be ready." Smiling, Mr. Deshmukh's aunt went outside.

"Sorry, I don't know that she will be here." Advika said, closing the door behind us as soon as the older woman left the room.

"What are you sorry for?" I asked, walking towards the bed and placing the little pooh on the bed gently.

"I thought that.... Since no one will be here... you can have a separate room." Advika said, looking apologetically at me.

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