The shock

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As soon as we landed in Mumbai, my phone buzzed with notifications. One among them was a message from Akki.

Meet me right now.

Walking outside and handing the luggage to our driver, I typed a message, Just now landed. Will meet you later.

My phone immediately buzzed with an incoming message.

Right now or never come again.

As soon as I read the message, my mind went on hyper alert. Akki never sends funny or prank messages to me because she believes that they lead to misunderstandings. But what made her message me like this? What happened in the 2 days that I was away. We hadn't even fought in anything!! Even when we fought, she never messaged me like this. She always claims that speaking in a negative way is itself a bad omen.

"Get in." I heard Advika's voice beside me.

"You go home. I have something important to attend to." Hearing me and understanding something, Adiraj, who is in his mother's hold, made grabby hands towards me shaking his head.

"I'll come soon, baby. You just go home with Mumma." I tried to assure him.

He kept on shaking his head while his eyes started tearing up, "Shh.. baby. He will just come behind us." Advika tried to reason with him.

He still kept on shaking his head. I leaned towards him and kissed his cheek, "Baby! Dad will come home soon. He has something important. But he will bring so many chocolates to you." I said, again kissing him.

He looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"I promise." I said and he smiled.

I then looked at Advika who was staring at me with shock written all over her face, "What?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Go home. I'll come soon. Tell my parents something."

Without waiting for her reply, I raced out of the airport and hailed a cab to Akki's place.

This better not be some kind of prank, Akki!!!!


"So, all of this is because of those stupid photos??" I asked Dilip, who was sitting on the living room couch and staring up at me, rather glaring at me.

"Do you really think that this is because of those photos?" He asked me in return.

I scowled, "Then what is this for, Dilip? I don't understand!!"

"Which part of you doesn't understand, Jai? The part where I said that you need to part ways with Akki or the part where I said to divorce your wife right now?" He asked, fueling my anger.

Delhi's tour has really tired me out. All I wanted was to have a day off and sleep peacefully for an entire day. But here comes the great person of my life ruining it, completely.

Though my anger was bubbling to the point of bursting out, I calmed down looking at Akki. One look at her and it is clear that she is in a helpless position. I know how important Dilip is to her. And she can't go against him. And I also never wanted to place her in a situation to go against her own brother because I myself am a brother to a sister. I know how this relationship works.

"Look, Dilip. You do know about everything that's happening around. Then what is the need for you to bring this all up now?" I asked.

"What is the need? Really, Jai? Just for once place your Anu in the shoes of Akki. Then tell me what would you do?" He asked so calmly after lighting a fire inside me.

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