A wise man's advice

173 11 14


Holding the champagne glass in my hand tenderly, I walked out of the party leaving my team to their enjoyment. Walking into the lawn of the hotel, I stared up at the bright moon that was trying to shoo away the darkness. 

It's been a week since I came here. We successfully finished the deal and it was signed this morning. So, the small party tonight. And in the next two days, I'll be back home. 

The one week I spent here really made my brain to cool down and concentrate on my work. In this one week I came to accept a few things.

One, Robin is no more. 

Two, I left Akki.

Three, I need to look after Adiraj.

At the same time, there are many other things that I still couldn't accept.

One, I failed as a lover and hurt Akki.

Two, I can't be the husband to Advika that she deserves. 

I still can't believe the way my life has changed right in front of my eyes and that I stood there watching silently. There are many things that keep on running in my mind all these days. 

That is to go according to my initial plan and divorce Advika and lead a happy life with Akki. It will really solve all of my problems. But as I already walked away from Akki, I don't deserve a second chance and she deserves a man who holds her hand through all the hurdles, unlike me. 

And also, as Akki pointed out, Advika will not agree to remarry. Our lives are not some kind of fictional novel to find an understandable person who can accept Advika and Adiraj. And then she will be left alone in this world with Adiraj. 

I sighed. In these past few days I have been going through many possibilities but I couldn't find the courage and confidence to stick to one apart from going with the flow of my life. 

Why does it have to be so messy?

“Looks like you again slipped into your own world.”

A masculine voice sounded behind me, startling me. 

I turned around only to come face to face with him. Clad in a well tailored three piece black suit which did nothing but to highlight his well muscled physique. A slender glass of wine in left hand and the right hand buried in his pants pocket. His piercing ocean blue eyes that definitely makes everyone fall at his feet.

That is none other than Mr. Vincent Adams.

Elder heir of the Adams family.

CEO of Adams industries.

Vincent Adams is the name that screams perfection. Perfection in work. Perfection in words. Perfection in dress. Perfection in behavior. What not everything. 

“Mr. Adams.” I greeted him.

Mr. Adams is a silent partner of the London company we just made a deal with. Mr. Adams was on a business tour in London and decided to join our meeting. He actively participated in all our meetings.

“You silently slipped out of the party.” He stated, dropping onto the nearest bench in the lawn.

I smiled, “Just in need of fresh air.”

He hummed slowly, “For that brain of yours which has been constantly turning wheels…. You definitely need some fresh air to cool it down.”

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

He placed his left elbow over the backrest of the wooden bench and slowly adjusted himself into a relaxed position, "I have been observing you for this whole week. Just from your eyes, I can clearly say that many things are running in that brain of yours."

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