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"Jai! Jai!!" I shook him vigorously but there was no movement in him. His body became limp in my hands and it started turning cold. 

"Shilpa! Call the doctor!" I shouted to her.

"Take him into the house!" I ordered our guards and soon they carried Jai into the house. Once they placed him on the bed in one of the rooms, I sat beside him.

"Jai!" I shook him again while rubbing his arms. Shilpa splashed water on his face but even then there was no movement.

A few minutes later, our family doctor arrived.

"Has anything happened like this before?" He asked, while checking Jai's blood pressure.

I shook my head, "I don't know. What's wrong?"

"His blood pressure was reduced. Looks like all his vitals were down. For now I'll prescribe some medicines. By evening if he doesn't get better then shift him to hospital." He said, handing the prescription to my guards.

Unknowingly I started sweating. Please be alright, Jai. I secretly wished while at the same time cursing myself for leaving the store room door open. If I had even a wee bit of thought that Jai would make an unexpected visit, I would have been careful.

"It's better if you call Raghuveer Bhai." Shilpa said.

Nodding, I took my phone and walked out of the room while dialling Raghuveer's number. 



Listening intently to my team, I noted down all the names of chemicals that we were using in our cosmetics. I have not much idea about these. I need to arrange a separate meeting with our research team and know about the side effects and benefits of all these chemicals.

Suddenly, the door to our meeting room burst open and my assistant entered.

"Sorry everyone." Addressing everyone, he hastily walked up to me.

"It's Mr. Deshmukh on line. Looks like it's important, sir." He said handing my phone to me. 

With confusion, I took my phone and placed it near my ear, "Prakash!" 

"Veer! It's really important." I noticed the tremor in his voice. I can understand that the important thing is not something good. 

I turned to my team and signalled them to wrap up and leave me alone. Within a minute, they left the room and I moved to the window. 

"Prakash, what is it?" I asked.

"Jai is here. At my house."

I scowled, "Advika said he went out to deal with something important. What is he doing at your house?"

What is the need for him to visit Prakash as soon as he landed from Delhi?

"I don't know. He said that he has something to speak with me but before that ...."

The trembling in his voice is not at all giving me good vibes. I never knew Prakash being scared or worried about anything. Then what is it?

"Before that?" I asked when he left the sentence hanging.

"He saw Viraj's pics." 

I instantly froze at his words. The next second my entire body felt like a jelly and my knees buckled. I dropped down to the floor. 

"He… what?" I choked those words out. 

"He.. he… walked into the store room and found the album containing… containing.. Vi.. Viraj's photos." 

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