Her confusion

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Looking up at the ceiling, I lay down rigid on my side. This feels awkward. I never thought of this day. The day where we actually have to share the bed. Ok, the bed is big enough to roll on our side and also have enough space between us. But, I could just sleep on the couch, right? 

"Jaiveer, umm… we can just have a couch." I tried to reason with him one more time.

"I'll then just sleep in my study room." He immediately started to rise up.

"No. No. No." I stopped him immediately, "Just.. just lie down. We can share the bed." The last thing I want for him is to abandon his own bed and let him sleep in the study room. Though I hated it, I thought that it would be just till we get a new couch. But I hadn't thought that in the meanwhile he would get caught by Dad (Mr. Dixit) and had to move back into his room. Ok, that's agreeable but the thing I don't understand is why he is insisting on sharing the bed instead of buying a couch. 

"You're tiring yourself for the entire day, Advika. Letting you take the couch is the biggest mistake I have made. I can't keep on doing it. You need a proper sleep on a proper bed. That's all. I don't have any more intentions." He said as if reading my mind.

"No. No. That's not what I'm referring to. I just don't want to make you uncomfortable." I said, avoiding his piercing his gaze.

"I'm not." He said sternly. 

Without wanting to extend the discussion, I just turned to my side and closed my eyes tight wondering why this day has to come.


I woke up with the gentle taps on my cheek. Lazily I opened my eyes only to see my baby boy standing at the edge of the bed with his sleepy eyes half open. 

"Good morning baby." I greeted him. His eyes opened wide and he grinned wide. He then pointed out his little pinky finger. 

I chuckled, "Come, let's get you cleaned." 

Standing up from my bed, I stretched my muscles. All night, I slept in only one position and hence they are screaming now. Then I picked up my baby boy and took him into the bathroom. I gently closed the door, minding that Jaiveer is still asleep. I at least hope he had a relaxed sleep unlike mine. 

Pulling down Adiraj's shorts, I placed him on the toilet seat and held him. Once he was done with his business, I cleaned up and placed him on the counter top. Then I carefully brushed his little teeth. Once done with that, I asked him to go out and wait in the bedroom. 

I then proceeded to finish my business. In the middle I thought, I heard some noise from outside but just ignored it considering Adiraj might be playing with his toys. 

Finishing with my work, I walked out into the bedroom only to find Jaiveer sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard with Adiraj beside him who was playing with his building blocks. 

"No baby, place this one here." Jaiveer is playing along with Adiraj. This surprised me a little. Jaiveer doesn't usually wake up at this time. Then what happened today. Did he too didn't sleep well too??

"Good morning, Advika." Jaiveer then turned around and greeted me. 

"Morning. Morning." I answered, still wondering. 

"Shall I go and get milk for him?" He asked. 

He doesn't look that tired either. 

"Advika?" He asked again.

"Huh!!?? No. No. I'll… I'll bring it." Answering, I walked out of the room. 

Why did he wake up so early? It's not his usual time! Maybe he needs to go early? Even then he never walked up this early. Then what made him today? It might be that he didn't sleep well. But he doesn't really look tired. Rather he looks cheerful. 

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