Her thoughts

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Firstly, so so sorry for leaving you in the middle, guys... Because of my exams and unexpected work... I couldn't focus perfectly and it lead to delay... Please forgive me and don't give up on my Jaiveer and Advika....


It's been 3 days since Jaiveer went to London. My life has been pretty normal apart from the video calls from someone. Adiraj wouldn't eat without the phone call and I have no other choice but to bow to his wishes. Looks like I'm spoiling my baby too much. 

Past few weeks have been pretty busy for me and my staff. With continuous orders left and right, they worked their a** off to complete them on deadlines. 

Now as this week has slowed down a bit, I declared a day off to them. They deserve that though and I am also feeling so lazy to work today. Also I have one most important thing to attend to. There is this one person in particular who has gone MIA over me. With no message and no phone call. 

So, here I’m, riding my bike towards his house, to pull him out of his cave. Parking my bike in the garage of Deepak papa’s house, I removed the knot of my scarf that was wrapped around my waist which I used to tie up Adiraj to me, who is sitting peacefully behind my back. 

“Baby, slide down carefully.” I said and helped him to step down from my bike.

“Advi!! You sure know how to give a heart attack to everyone.” Chandini Maa hissed walking into the garage.

“What did I do?” I asked innocently.

“What is the need for you to ride your bike? That too with Adiraj? What if anything happens? We have many cars and drivers with us who can  drive you around.” She fired her questions one after the other making me scowl, "I do know how to ride a bike, Maa and also my baby enjoyed it. Right, baby?" I asked, looking down at my baby. 

Grinning widely, he jumped up and down on his little legs while nodding.

Chandini Maa shook her head, "Meera(Mrs. Dixit) called me. She is worried like hell."

I just rolled my eyes. Come on!! I'm not a kid. I know how to ride a bike and also know how to take care of my baby.

Just then my baby tugged at Chandini Maa's cotton saree to grab her attention.

"What is it, my ladoo?" She asked, bending down towards him. 

Opening his mouth wide, he pointed his little finger towards his opened mouth.

I gasped, "You little demon! Hadn't I already filled your tummy!" This little man!!

"Shh! Don't scold him. Come baby, I'll feed you." Saying that Chandini Maa took him into her arms and walked back to the house. I silently followed her.

"Papa has gone to the office?" I asked. 

She nodded, "Early in the morning."

I chuckled, "And where is your spoiled son?"

"Still in his room. Sleeping like a log."

I scowled, "Still sleeping?" 

Chandini Maa nodded, while walking up to the dining table with Adiraj in her hands.

"I'll wake him up." Saying that I marched towards his room. I slightly pushed the door and noticed that it's not locked. Wondering why Mr. Harsh has forgotten to lock. I stepped inside only to be greeted by the darkness. I scowled. This idiot hasn't opened the windows. 

"Harsh! Wake up." Screaming at him I moved towards the windows. Pulling the curtains away, I opened the windows letting the light and breeze flow into the room. Grunting, he just turned away. 

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