Getting ready

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I breathed in relief when finally my ringing phone has got silenced. For the first time in my life I am avoiding my Akki's calls and messages. For the first time in my life I am getting scared to contact her.

From the day she has gone on her tour, I hadn't contacted her even for once because I know for sure that I couldn't stop myself from spilling about this fiasco to her and this is not something that needs to be discussed over phone.

I need to speak with her regarding all of this over face to face but I don't know how can I do that.

And with each passing day it feels like I'm burying myself into a deep mess. Two more days have passed but neither Neeraj Bhai nor I could find anything that helps us in breaking this alliance and now, my pathetic self is sitting here with my hands buried in my hair and with my body clad in that stupid suit my mom brought for my so called engagement.

As much as I want to shred this suit into pieces, I controlled myself because this is not the time I should act up on my emotions. I need to have control over them. I need to be strong, cautious to observe and understand everything that's happening around.

And in all this the only thing that I'm appreciating is this not so grand engagement. At least we could break all of this easily once we find something.


Sitting before my vanity table with my heavy heart I kept on pulling on my bangles one after the other. I still can't believe that it's just been 2 days since I accepted this alliance and now I'm already getting ready for the engagement.

I atleast thought to meet him before everything. Thought to speak with him but never expected that this engagement will be so early.

For a moment I thought maybe he might break this alliance after speaking with him but again God had another plans.

If it's not for his stupid astrology that his parents beleive, I would have atleast got some time before making myself mentally prepared for this.

But again as I already accepted all of this insaneness, now there is no way back for me. Whatever it is... I just need to walk ahead.

I looked at Adiraj who was sitting on the top of the drawers that were attached to the vanity table.

Bending down and playing with my bangles, he kept on giggling whenever they made a clinking noise.

"Do you like the sound of them baby?" I asked and he giggled looking up at me.

"I love the sound of your bangles, angel. Never remove them."

Closing my eyes, I swallowed the memories back. This is not the time for me to drown in them.

Opening them now, I pulled Adiraj into my lap and hugged him to my chest.

"Baby." I called and he looked up at me.

"You know that I love you, right?" I asked and he nodded.

"You know that you're the only hope in my life, right?" He again nodded.

"You know that I'll do anything for you, right?" He again nodded.

Hugging him tight, I dropped a kiss on his forehead. Whatever this madness is, I just hope it will bring happiness to you baby.

"Advi, are you ready?" Maa asked, coming into my room.

I nodded looking at her.

"My ladoo is also ready." She said pinching Adiraj's nose playfully and he giggled. I don't know why but he himself felt like getting ready today. He picked up his little jeans and a button down shirt. He is the bundle of cuteness wrapped in his little dress and he is my most handsome man after my Viraj.

Maa took Adiraj into her hands and walked out, indicating to me to follow her.

Nodding, I stood up and looked at Viraj's portrait.

Viraj! Please give me strength!!


Sorry for the late guys, I was actually on a tour to my relatives house....

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