Days going on

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Day turned into a week. Week into a month. And a month into a 3. No one could believe that it's actually been 3 months since their marriage. In these 3 months many things had happened but nothing new.

As of Advika, she started to reduce her work burden and also the time she usually spends in her office. She started going off early and coming home early. She even started coming home for lunch. Adiraj is most happier than anyone. He got to spend more time with his mother. Mr. & Mrs. Dixit too were happier because they got bond well with their lovely daughter in law. They also succeeded in making Advika call them Mom & Dad. Though Advika knew that she eventually had to leave this house, she just couldn't stop herself from melting down to their love. When a grown up like Advika couldn't stop herself, how could our little innocent Adiraj stop himself? Instead of worrying, Advika just secretly wishes that everything settles down smoothly.

As for Jaiveer, he started to spend more of his time at his office. With all the fiasco regarding his marriage, he couldn't quite concentrate on work. He neglected his work for many days. So it's high time for him to get his work back on track. Apart from this, the destination that he desires every night is the embrace of his love, Akanksha Singhania. 

As for Mr. & Mrs. Deshmukh, their house felt empty without the presence of their beloved daughter and grandson but deep down they were happy that their kids got a second chance in their life to be happy.

As for Mr. & Mrs. Dixit, they cannot be anymore happy regarding their son. Their son was finally settled down with a perfect wife and a cute kid. What more can they wish for? Apart from a complete happiness for his little family??

As for Akanksha, she is more than happy that her man hasn't left her. Even in the three months of staying in the same room with another woman, her man, Jaiveer Dixit is loyal to her and will always be. But deep down, she is worried about the problems they might face at the time of Jaiveer's divorce. Even then, she is ready to face anything as long as her man holds her hand tight and secure.

As for Dilip, he very well knows the depth of Akanksha and Jaiveer's love. He would have been more than happy if they had ended up together. But it has not happened. And with each passing day, fear levels in his heart are flaring up and at any moment, they are gonna burst. He very well knew that Prakash Deshmukh and Raghuram Dixit are not someone that can be messed up with. And he doesn't know how this Divorce thing can be dealt with. And his sister's life is on the line. And he also couldn't understand what more lies he needed to bring up and stop his parents from speaking about Akki's marriage as she already crossed 30 now.

Apart from all of this, the distance between Jaiveer and Advika is still the same. If anything, it grew even more. Since their last conversation of Jaiveer's apology, neither Advika nor Jaiveer had exchanged a word with each other. Oblivious to each other's presence, they remained in their own spaces. Jaiveer has taken a step forward and spoken with his lawyer. In any case, the couple is required to stay together at least for 6 months. So, Jaiveer and Advika have no other option but to endure that period. 

The distance between them hadn't gone unnoticed by Dixit's and Deshmukh's. 

But Dixit's simply brushed it off considering that their Jaiveer has grown responsible and he can take care of his family.

And Deshmukh's brushed off considering that the kids need some time to get adjusted to each other.

But no one knows what was happening within the four walls of Jaiveer's room. No one knows that the only place that Advika owns is Jaiveer's couch but not his heart. No one knows that Jaiveer's paradise is Akki's embrace but not even his own room. 

But one thing that needs to be noted is Advika is no more a stranger to Jaiveer and Jaiveer is no more a stranger to Advika.

For Jaiveer, Advika is a person who has this peaceful and calm aura that's surrounding her. A person with a beautiful smile. Melodious voice. Passionate. Hardworking. Dutiful daughter in law. Caring mother. Understanding. Mature. So on and so forth.

For Advika, Jaiveer is a person who has this funny and mischievous aura that's surrounding him. Handsome. Kind hearted. Soft spoken. Hardworking. Responsible son. Caring brother. So on and so forth. 

And unknown to each other, a place of their hearts were captured by the other. 

All in all, though the hype created by the media has calmed down, once in a while articles kept on popping out. Most of them are only related to Adiraj. About where he was born. About who his father was. But no one has succeeded in finding the truth. Deshmukh's and Dixit's are working day and night to keep the truth buried and so far they are succeeding.

But for how long??


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