Dilip's wrath

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The next day hadn't been a good start. One, with my sour mood and two, Advika dropped a bomb on my head stating that we are going shopping. On every date, Akki makes sure to fit shopping in our plan and that shopping itself takes up half of our day. I don't understand the mystery behind the connection between shopping and girls. But the idea of shopping itself made me want to run away to the mountains but how can I say no now?

With a defeated heart, I followed Advika but to my surprise she hadn't taken me to any malls but to a local crowded market. Looking at the entrance of the market itself, I understood that our car is not gonna squeeze in.

"Mam, let us park the car in the opposite street." The driver suggested.

"What is the need for that? We will get down here and you can park the car anywhere you want and can wait there or roam there." Advika said.

"But mam, I can't leave you alone here." He said, turning back to look at us.

I scowled, "What makes you think that she is alone here?" 

He cleared his throat, "Sir, boss ordered us not to leave mam."

"For god's sake!" Advika grumbled, "I don't care what your boss ordered. But, I," She pointed her forefinger towards her, "The big boss, who orders your boss itself, is ordering you to not to bother about me and go park anywhere you want."

Saying that Advika hopped out of the car with Adiraj in her hands. I looked at the driver's face who was having a scared expression on it and I choked a laugh. 

Shaking my head, I hopped out and followed Advika into the market. Trust me, the market is crowded. Too much to my liking. Even in this crowded place, people are roaming around with their bicycles and motor vehicles. Seriously!! Can't they just park them outside? What is the need to enter inside with vehicles?

"Why do you hate having guards?" I asked Advika, falling beside her in step.

Papa once mentioned that she hates having guards so they hired them to secretly follow her.

"It's a long story." She sighed.

"Make it short."

"Well, all my life, I used to have guards. When I went to school, to college, to parties. But when I decided to go abroad for studies, Papa even went to the extremes and decided to tag a guard along with me. But the guard's family requested my Papa not to send him abroad, away from his family. So, instead he decided to hire a guard abroad. It's too much, right?" She asked, looking at me. 

I nodded.

"Yeah! So I convinced him to let me stay alone. But then, life there without guards seemed to be tough. You know, because I had to do all my work by myself. That's when I understood the difficulties of life. Having a guard who does all the work is so much luxury. Since then I decided to not to have any guards around me."

"Phew!" I blew out once she finished her story, "It's a long story."

"Like I said." 

"You didn't make it short." I accused her.

"Like I imagined." She chuckled. 

"So, why are we here in this crowded place?" I asked, looking around. There's too much pollution too. I turned towards Adiraj and pulled his little hoodie over his head. 

"He gets suffocated." Advika argued and as in the time he pulled the hoodie back.

"Baby!" I called him softly, "Listen to dad, it's too dirty here. So, be a good boy." I said again, pulling the hoodie up his head. I don't know what he understood but he didn't pull it down.

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