Her acceptance

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Standing at the threshold of his study room, I stared at my father, who was seated behind his desk peering into the numerous files that were spread over his desk. 

I wonder from where he gets this energy even when he is in his fifties, to work even after his office timings. I have always seen him working so hard day and night since my childhood. Maybe that is what made him to be in the top position that he is enjoying now. 

Maybe that's what made all the heads turn towards him. Prakash Deshmukh has earned all the fame at a very early age with his hardwork and he continued to be in that position till now. On the other side, I was brought into the limelight from the minute I was born just because of being his daughter. 

I never liked that. I always wanted my life to be simple and normal and routine but I know that would never happen if I stay here. As a daughter of Deshmukh. 

That's why I left this country at a very early age and settled abroad. I studied there, did a job there, married there, gave birth to my baby there.

It's only after the death of Viraj, I came back here to India. Because I couldn't stay there alone anymore. Staying there alone has suddenly made me feel cold and dark which I haven't felt since my birth. And also memories of Viraj have suffocated me more than I imagined.

So, I came back to India and started my own business which was always Viraj's dream. 

While I graduated in fashion designing, Viraj graduated in business management. He always wanted to start his own business while my father secretly decided to hand over his businesses to Viraj.

But it looks like God has separate plans designed for us. 

"Did you come here to stand there all night?" My father's voice broke my trance.

I looked at him and noticed that his gaze was still fixed in his papers.

Slowly walking into the room, I flopped down on the couch that was set to the left corner of the room. 

Blowing out a breath, I muttered, "I'm scared."

After a good few seconds, I heard the rustling of his papers, the sound of his reading glasses that erupted when they made contact with his wooden table, and the shuffling of his rocking chair.

I then heard his soft steps while he approached me and flopped down on the couch beside me.

Placing a hand over my head, he stroked my hair, "If you're scared of Jai's family, I can assure you that Dixit's are very well mannered people. If you're scared that they might not love Adiraj, I can assure you that they will love him to no bounds. If you're scared that Jai might not be a great father to Adiraj, I can assure you that I can never find a good person like Jai who can take care of Adiraj as his own. If you're scared that you might not love Jai back...." my head snapped towards him at this, "I can assure you that….. he will do anything and everything in his will to win your love."

I blinked back my tears and swallowed the lump that formed in my throat, "How… how can… how can you be so sure?"

Chuckling, he pulled me close into his embrace and I rested my head on his chest, "It's a matter of my daughter and grandson's life, Rose. Do you really think I would take any chances?"

I sniffled hard. I don't know whether my decision is right or wrong. I don't know whether it brings me happiness or not but I'm not concerned about that. My only concern is my baby. 

I don't want him to be deprived of anything. I don't want him to deprived of a father's love just because of my selfish reasons and that's the only reason why I made this decision.

And like always I decided to put my entire trust in my father's choices and decisions because they were never wrong and they will never be wrong. 

Taking decisions is not an easy thing for my father. He researches about the last 10 steps and estimates about the further 10 steps before making a decision and when it comes to my life and Adiraj's life, I can understand how much he might have assessed everything.

Sighing, I moved out of his embrace and looked at him, "Your wish papa."

His eyes searched mine for a good few seconds, "Are you sure?"

I nodded.

"Rose, remember I'm not forcing you into this and I won't."

I smiled. He never forced me into anything and he will never. I knew that but now I myself am forcing myself into this. The reason, I don't know. Maybe this is what was written over my fate. 

If it is, I'll gladly accept that.

"I know papa but…. I want to talk with him."

Smiling, my father nodded, "I'll arrange for that."

Hoping for the good, I nodded, "I'll go and sleep."

Saying that I stood up and he too stood after me and walked out of the room with me. I walked into the living room and found Adiraj playing with his Nani(Maternal grandmother). Smiling, I walked towards him and he jumped into my arms upon seeing me.

"Are you playing baby?" I asked and he nodded.

"Shall we sleep now?" I asked and he started shaking his head.

I pouted, "Then who is going to dream about your toys?" 

Grinning widely, he extended his hands up into the air indicating himself.

"Then let's go but give a kissy to Nana(Maternal grandfather) and Nani(Maternal grandmother)." 

Leaning from my hold he kissed mom and dad on their cheeks and they reciprocated it. Then he waved them off and I walked up the stairs and into our room.

Settling him in the middle of the bed, I put him to sleep while singing a lullaby to him.

When he drowned into his sleep, I looked up at the portrait of Viraj.

"Are you angry at me for doing this?" I asked him.  

Biting my lip I stared at his eyes, "Don't be angry at your Angel."

Hoping that my Viraj will provide me strength, I flopped down beside my baby and closed my eyes, inviting sleep to take over me.



I stared at the retreating figure of my daughter and released the breath that I have been holding till now, unknowingly.

"What happened Prakash?" I looked at Shilpa who was looking back at me with worried eyes.

"She agreed." 

Her eyes went wide and she gasped, "Really?" 

I nodded. Her hazel eyes, which she gifted to our daughter, have turned glassy.

"I hadn't expected that she would agree." She said, sniffing.

"I too hadn't expected." I really really hadn't expected that my Rose would agree to this alliance. I know how much she loves Viraj. I know that no one can fill his place in her life but what can I do? I am just a desperate father to see my Rose being happy.

Viraj has taken away everything with him. Her love. Her happiness. Her confidence. Everything. 

I know she is living for Adiraj. 

If she keeps on living like this… in the memories of Viraj…. I can't even imagine what she herself will turn into. 

Even though it is hard for her, for me, I had to do this. I need to bring back the happiness to her which I am sure that Jai will provide her. 

"Let the marriage happen as soon as possible, prakash. Before she changes her mind." Shilpa said, grabbing my attention.

I nodded, "I'll talk with Raghuveer first thing in the morning."

She closed her eyes and folded her hands, "God! Let everything go smoothly."

I sighed. Hey Ram! Please give me strength!!!

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