His custody

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I blinked when the clock finally stuck at 6 in the morning. Last night I couldn't sleep a wink. Neither did Jai. Not just last night but from the past week he hasn't slept properly. All the fraud in the company has fallen upon his shoulders and he is trying his level best to prove that he didn't do anything wrong. He is trying to recollect all the conversations and meetings he has had in the past, trying to see if he can find anything. Glad that he maintains a track of every work he does. But the other shareholders and members of the company are too reluctant to sit back and wait for his explanations. 

Dad mentioned that they are making their moves in the back and are seeking for the opportunity to gain control of the company. That is why Jai has been relentlessly working to prove his point and find the person who is behind everything. 

He has been so frustrated and worried about everything that he could barely take any rest. It also seems like other members are hell bent on removing Jai from the company. Dad said that but how can they do that? Hasn't Jai been working hard for the company since all these years? And what is the need for Jai to embezzle cash and stock. And why will he tamper with the quality of the products? What will he gain from them? It will only bring loss to his company. Why will he do such a thing? Also now everyone in Jai's team is a suspect. Who is the exact person who did fraud? How to find out? Won't they have covered their steps by now? 

All night my mind kept on turning wheels regarding this and I couldn't sleep. The slow dull pain in my mind now started to throb it. I rubbed my temples trying to calm down. I can't show my worries to Jai and make him worry more. 

A rustle of bed sheets caught my attention. I looked at Adiraj's bed and found him climbing down his little bed. He sleepily walked up to me and I took him into my arms. 

“Morning, baby.” He nodded and looked at Jai who was sleeping soundly. He was about to wake him up but I stopped him, “Let him sleep for a while. He hadn't slept properly last night.”

Adiraj nodded and leaned onto my chest. 

“Let's get ready first and have breakfast. Papa will wake up by then.” Saying that I took him into the washroom. 

By the time we came out of the washroom, Jai was still sleeping. I couldn't find the heart to wake him up. So, instead I went to feed Adiraj breakfast. Mom is preparing breakfast and Anu is helping her. Dad is seated at the dining table and is reading the newspaper. Greeting them, I grabbed the milk bowl with fruits in them for feeding Adiraj. Right in the middle, one of our helpers entered the dining area.

“Sir, few government officials are here to meet you.” He addressed Dad.

“What?” Dad asked. He nodded. 

Dad immediately walked outside and Mom too.  

“Anu, stay put.” I told her who is about to follow them. Reluctantly she flopped on a chair at the dining table. 

A few minutes later I heard Dad's loud voice, “How can that be possible? How can you take him into custody?”

“Anu, take him and go into your room. Don't come outside.” Handing Adiraj to her, I walked out of the dining area and into the living room. There are a few police officials, lawyers and some other government people, I guess. 

“Sir, it's just an inquiry. Please cooperate.”

“If it's just an inquiry then what is the need for you people to take him into custody? Don't you think we will cooperate?” Dad asked in return. 

What custody? Whom will they take into custody?  

“Sir, please understand. This is a high profile case. To not draw unnecessary media attention we need to take him into custody.” 

“Do you think you being here and taking him with you will not draw the media attention?” Dad asked. 

“Dad, what's happening?” I asked finally.

“Few of our shareholders and directors filed a complaint against Jai and these people are here to take him into custody for an inquiry.”

My heart dropped right there. No. No. This can't happen, “You…. You can't take him. He didn't do anything wrong. It's.. it's just some.. mis.. misunderstanding.” I couldn't stop the tremor in my voice. I felt my entire body turning into jelly. I immediately held the chair beside me. 

“Mam, please. It's our job to prove it. For that we need to take him with us.”

“I need to talk with my lawyers.” Dad said. 

“Please go ahead, sir. But don't forget that you are the one who is delaying the process.”

In the midst of this commotion, Jai woke up and came down. I immediately clung to him in fear that someone would take him away. Our lawyers too arrived and everyone got seated around in the living room. I sat beside Jai holding him tight. On another side of him Mom sat. Surprisingly Jai seemed calm when compared to last night.

The entire room blared with conversations from all the people. Raghuram dad and Neeraj Jeth have also arrived. I broke down in a cold sweat and couldn't stop the shivers running through me. Jai pulled me tight to him and I held him even more tighter. The atmosphere of the entire room turned thick and I couldn't breathe. How can they file a complaint against Jai? Isn't it a case of the company's internal affairs? Why can't they solve it internally? What is the need for them to go overboard? I'm trying my level best to follow up with the conversations but I couldn't. 

After what seemed like hours, it was finally decided that Jai needed to be taken away into their custody. 

“Be calm, Advi.” Saying that he calmly followed them out. No no. Why is he even going with them? If it is just an inquiry they can do it here itself, right? I followed him but was stopped at the main door. I don't care who is stopping me. I just need to be with Jai.

“Jai! Jai!” I called him loudly. He is just walking away with the officials towards their cars. 

“Jai!” I called for him again. Right at that moment, he turned back to look at me. He then started walking towards my direction. I broke free of the person who was holding me and ran towards him. Straight into his arms. Holding him tight I buried my face into his neck and broke down. 

“Please don't cry, Advi.” He said, stroking my back. 

“You didn't do anything wrong. You don't need to go.” I whispered into his neck. 

“It's just an inquiry. I'll be back soon.” Now releasing me, he pecked my lips. I didn't stop him this time. I don't care either about who is watching us. 

He gently wiped my tears, “Please don't cry. You are one of the strongest women I have met. I'll be back soon. Till then you and Adiraj please be safe.”

Pecking my lips one more time, he turned around and walked away and I stood there rooted to my spot staring at the vehicles until they disappeared from my vision and then I dropped down to my knees. Right then I felt weak, cold and empty just like how I felt when Viraj breathed his last. 

The pain that's throbbing my head increased, almost splitting my head into two and turning my vision into darkness. Closing my eyes tightly I held my head. I don't want to see anything . I don't want to hear anything. All I want to see is Jai and all I want to hear is Jai calling me. 

And that's when I heard a voice right beside me.  

A voice I have been praying since so long to hear. 

A voice I have been eagerly waiting from so long to hear. 

A voice I was worried that I might not hear. 


I froze.


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