Engaged again

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I woke up with the feeling of soreness and numbness in my right shoulder. I tried to pull my right hand only to notice it being held tight. Opening my eyes, I blinked them to adjust my vision. It's still dark around. I looked at the wall clock only to notice it read 5 in the morning. 

Last night I don't remember when exactly Jaiveer and I had fallen asleep. After our heavy talk, we hadn't conversed much. We just held together and stayed silent in each other's embrace. Though my mind and heart still feels restless, at the same time they are also feeling an unknown sense of relief. It felt like a huge burden had been dropped down from my shoulders. I still have no idea how our lives are gonna turn into but at least I'll be content if this little family of mine doesn't get shattered once again. 

I looked to my right at Jaiveer, who is sleeping peacefully like a baby, holding my right hand with both of his hands. His hair is messy and few tendrils have fallen upon his forehead. Leaning down, I gently traced them with my fingers. A sparkle of twinkle caught my eyes. Looking for the source, I was surprised to see a ring on Jaiveer's left hand. I gently twisted his fingers to get a proper look at the ring. It is really our engagement ring. 

Since when did he start wearing it? I never saw him wearing our ring. I then looked at my left hand and saw my ring sitting peacefully on my finger. The ring that Viraj gave me on our engagement. Yeah! Just like Jaiveer, I too never wore the ring that Jaiveer gave me on our engagement. I just treated it like another jewelry piece and left it in my closet. But now, looking at how the events turned out, it is inevitable for me to wear that ring. But this ring that Viraj gave me is not just another jewelry piece, it's an emotion to me. It's a bond that connects me to Viraj. And how can I let go of it now? 

But again, it's really a great thing for Jaiveer to accept me and Adiraj. And also after deciding to move ahead with Jaiveer, I still can't keep on holding on to Viraj. I sighed, leaning against the headboard and cursing myself for being like this. 

Just then I sensed the movement in Jaiveer. His hold on my right hand loosened and I tried to wriggle it out. If I don't do that, my right hand will come off soon. Combined with my movement, Jaiveer's eyes fluttered open. Licking my lips, I hesitatingly looked down at him. I don't know how we are going to be from now on. 

Blinking his eyes, he locked his gaze on me. After a whole minute, his lips raised up in a smile. I couldn't help but smile in return. 

"What time is it?" He asked sleepily. 

"Just half past 5 in the morning." 

He nodded lazily, "When did you wake up?"

"At 5."

He hummed sleepily, "Too early. Sleep again." 

I chuckled, "You go back to sleep. I'm not sleepy anymore."

For some reason, this little conversation made me feel content. It felt like my life was now going back to normal. 

Jaiveer closed his eyes for a few moments but he opened them again. Stretching his muscles out, he sat up. 

"Won't you sleep again?" I asked.

Rubbing his eyes, he shook his head and leaned against the headboard beside me. 

"What are you thinking early in the morning?" He asked.

"You can tell?" I asked in return.

He shrugged, "You woke up early but still stayed in bed. You're not even on your phone. Then you might definitely be thinking something."

I just shook my head at his marvelous conclusion. 

"So, tell me. What are you thinking?" He asked. 

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