Actions speak louder

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As soon as I got the news of Jai's arrival, I hurried to his office to meet him. Since the last time I spoke with Advika, my heart is not resting at peace. Advika is still thinking that Jai is gonna divorce her. 

Regarding that, there are certain things I need to make sure of. One, is Jaiveer too still thinking the same? Two, if not is he willing to be with Advika. Three, if he is willing, how he is gonna convey her the same.

What happened has happened. We can't change that. But whatever is gonna happen, should be clear at least from now. Jaiveer and Advika have already started on the wrong foot. Now, if they have a future, they both need to take the right one. 

I stepped into the massive building of Dixit enterprises and walked up to the reception. The young beautiful lady at the reception is working on her computer while the handsome man at the reception is handling calls. I stopped at the reception to enquire about his cabin, "Where can I find Mr. Dixit?"

The beautiful lady blinked a few times before answering, "Which Mr. Dixit?"

"Huh?!" I got confused at her question. 

"There is Mr. Raghuram Dixit, Mr. Raghuveer Dixit, Mr. Neeraj Dixit, Mr. Jaiveer Dixit and Mr. Dhiraj Dixit." She said, everytime pointing out the fingers of her right hand. 

I rolled my eyes. The Dixit clan is really huge, "Jaiveer."

"On the 15th floor. Take right from the elevator. You will meet his assistant and then she will guide you." She smiled sweetly. 

Nodding, I walked towards the elevator and stepped into it. The entire elevator ride is one hell of a ride. It stopped on each and every floor and people kept on getting in and out. I wished I took up stairs and at one point I also wished that I hadn’t chosen this place to meet up with him. And by the time I stepped onto the 15th floor my mood was damn miserable. Try me, I’m sure gonna kill someone.

I was walking aimlessly trying to find Jaiveer's cabin when a lady stepped in my way. Though she was standing a good few feet away from me, my nostrils caught the strong smell of her perfume and I couldn’t help myself but cough a little. This lady can kill others with her perfume itself. What is the need for you to drown in that?  

“How may I help you sir?” She asked and her eyes traveled from my top to bottom. My irritating mood worsened further.

“Where is Jaiveer?” I asked her not bothering myself to be polite with her.

“Do you have an appointment?” She asked, showing a wide smile which is fake and mocking to the core.

“Where the hell is he?” I asked, feeling even more irritated. 

“He is in a meeting and also you can’t meet him without an appointment.” 

“The hell I care!” Again not bothering her, I moved forward to find him. Luckily, Just after a few steps ahead I found the meeting room. From the glass doors, I found him explaining something to the people that gathered around. Holding the door, I pushed it open with all my mighty strength. All the heads snapped towards me but I only concentrated on the man that I came here for.

“Sir! I told you that you are not allowed to enter.” That lady’s irritating voice sounded again.

“Who is she?” I directed the question to Jaiveer.

“My assistant.” He answered.

“The first thing that should be on the top of the to-do list, bold & underlined is to fire her!!” I spat out. I don’t know why but this lady screams trouble.

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