Saving her

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I sat there silently enjoying the little moans that were escaping Akki's mouth while she kept on devouring her ice cream. The look on her face when she eats ice cream is indescribable. She eats ice cream like she is in love with it and can't get enough of it.

On this Sunny Sunday, we finally choose to come out. Akki and I usually don't roam around the city. That too on a weekend. Just to make sure that Akki won't come into the picture just because she is with me. We usually spend our alone time on that abandoned bridge. Since my marriage, we have just confined ourselves to the four walls of Akki's living room. We couldn't get enough time alone because Dilip passed an ultimatum that we are not allowed to step outside. Together. So we had no other choice but to stay in the house itself.

As of today, Dilip has gone to his hometown to meet his parents and Akki chooses to stay back in the guise of work. And we got the opportunity to sneak out of the house. So, here we are in a mall that's situated on the outskirts of the city. After being done with another stupid emotional movie and another crying session of Akki and a tummy filled meal, Akki is now peacefully enjoying her strawberry flavoured ice cream.  Here, I sat silently enjoying the view of Akki. 

Usually, when I'm with Akki, nothing and no one matters to me. Even when the world around me is burning. But recently, a type of unknown burning sensation started creeping up in my heart, making me wonder about the reason. When I'm with Akki I always feel at peace but recently I started feeling restless. The thing that's actually making me uncomfortable is that I couldn't find the reason. Why is it happening? Why am I feeling changes?

My thoughts suddenly broke when a melodious voice hit my ears. I perfectly know this voice. Involuntarily my eyes started searching for her and looked around my surroundings. There she is. Just a few feet away. Talking with some elderly woman. 

Clad in a light yellow kurta that brought glow to her skin. Her waist length hair was pulled to one side and was braided in some style. Few strands were left freely that were caressing her soft cheeks. I need to agree. She is a sight to behold. 

Smiling brightly, she kept on talking with that elderly woman. A few minutes later another young man joined her and they too started discussing something. What is she doing here? She doesn't usually go out except to her office. Then what is she doing here, that too on a Sunday morning.

Her Sundays were completely reserved to her kid. 

Then I looked up and noticed the name of the store. It's a fabric store. So, she is here on business. I again let my gaze fall on her and they caught her bright smile which lit up her entire face. In the last few months of our marriage I never saw her smiling brightly like this. Her smile is her beauty.

"Ohhh…" I heard a voice and I didn't need to turn around to find the source because it's Akki. Shit! For a moment I just forgot where I was and with whom I was. 

Suddenly Advika's eyes landed on me and her moments got stilled. And then slowly her eyes moved from me to the person beside me and her expressions went blank. I don't know why but for a moment I felt like I was caught cheating.

Diverting her eyes from us, forcing a smile on her face, Advika again concentrated on the person in front of her.

Forcing my eyes away from her I let them fall on Akki and there it is, the hurt in her eyes. Smiling at her, I took the ice cream spoon into my hands. Picking up a spoonful, I brought it to my mouth.

"Jai! It's cheating!" Whining, she snatched the spoon from me. And then she again let her concentration shift to her ice cream. 

And my eyes again involuntarily went back to Advika. Just like all the time, I kept staring at her. In all these months that we have spent together, there were many times where I got to spend some alone time with her. But never I dared to exchange a word with her. Not that I don't want to but again, not that I want to. So at all those moments I kept myself busy staring at her. And surprisingly, I never felt tired of it.

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