First fight

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~~Advika ~~

With another tiring day and another sleepless night, I woke up cranky the next day. By the time I woke up he was still sleeping peacefully. Again ignoring him, I freshened up and took care of my baby. Thankfully, there aren't any more rituals or gatherings left. I can happily go to work today but again, what to do with my baby??

Can I take him to my work place? But I can't keep an eye on him all the time! Back at my house I hadn't faced this problem. I used to leave him with my Maa and happily go to work but here. In this place. What should I do? 

Expectedly or unexpectedly, Mrs. Dixit assured that she is going to take care of Adiraj. Not that I'm doubting Mrs. Dixit's parenting skills. It's just that I'm doubting whether Adiraj can stay with her the entire day? But my baby surprised me by waving his hand cheerfully while sending me off. Looks like he already got attached to Dixit's. 

Though I'm happy to be at work after so many days, I just couldn't concentrate on anything. Many thoughts kept rotating in my brain. Memories of Viraj, Fears of Adiraj, Doubts of Jaiveer and Divorce. What not? Everything. Shraddha kept on complaining that I always slipped away from her conversations. I tried, I really tried my level best to concentrate on my work but all day I just couldn't.

Because at a moment it felt that I was walking on a thin rope with Adiraj in my hands and that rope might cut off at any moment. 

Can we actually be successful in getting the divorce? Can my life go back to normal after getting the divorce? Hell! Can my life even be peaceful till I get the divorce?

With all these innumerable thoughts, my brain just felt tired in the evening itself. So I just left the office telling Shraddha to take care of everything.


By the time I returned back, Adiraj was playing in the garden looking so enthusiastic. I noticed that many new toys were scattered around him. Maybe that's what made him energetic. As soon as his eyes landed on me, he ran towards me and jumped onto me. Seeing his smiling face, my heart and mind felt relaxed. And soon he dragged me into the room and I was surprised to see a small bed just a few feet away from his bed. Adiraj immediately climbed onto it. 

My heart warmed looking at him jumping up and down in excitement on his new bed. As promised Mr. Dixit has arranged a bed for Adiraj in just a day. It's really a mystery to me how he even managed to do that in just a day. Mr. Dixit explained that the bed was actually Jaiveer's childhood bed and they remodelled it. I really felt at a loss of emotions and words at that moment. 

But, the bed is really quite comfortable for Adiraj. It's spacious enough for him and the matress is fluffy. All the four sides of the bed are also well fitted with small railings which can prevent him from falling down. I felt so happy and relieved seeing it. 

But as expected, the couch in the room was not removed. Couch and Jaiveer's bed were adjusted in a few angles so as to fit Adiraj's bed. Though the room was not as spacious as it was before but again it doesn't concern me, right? The only thing I wanted is to have my baby near me. Remaining things, I don't care. 

"What the f**k is happening here?" Suddenly, a loud voice boomed behind me making me jump in my place. Adiraj got startled at the voice and his eyes turned teary immediately.

I don't need to turn around to look at the source because I very well know who it is. 

I took Adiraj in to my arms and he snuggled into my neck, crying silently.

Rage burst into me like a volcano but I tried to calm myself down by taking deep breaths. Maa always used to say this. "Don't speak when your emotions are high." 

"Advika! I'm asking you!!" The voice came again and I finally turned around after taking a few deep breaths. 

There he is. The great Jaiveer Dixit, clad in his two piece suit with his upper button open, glaring at me with his fire spitting eyes. His nose flaring and his fists clenched. His jaw clenched.

"What the hell is happening here?" He asked gritting his teeth, "Are you trying to turn this room into yours?" 

I sighed, "Jaiveer, I already gave you my word regarding divorce." I started calmly. Because reacting in rage is not gonna work with him.

"That's not what I'm asking." He again gritted his teeth. 

"It's not me who asked for this bed and it's not me who arranged for this bed. I really can't be away from Adiraj. And also I don't want him to get close to your family. It creates problems after our divorce, right?"

I tried to reason with him but he is still standing there like a raging Bull. This is also a reason why I stubbornly stated that I need to be close to Adiraj. Adiraj gets attached to everyone easily. So once after we deal with this divorce, I don't want to break my baby's heart. And I also don't want to have any more connections with this family. 

"This is my personal space, Advika!! I love the way my room was. I don't like anyone making any changes to it." He sort of screamed.

I raised a brow, "Then I'll be more than happy to vacate this room. Should I?"  I asked calmly. I need to be as calm as possible because if Adiraj notices the change in my voice and body posture, he gets even more panicked. 

"You know you can't!!" He hissed.

"Exactly!! I need to stay in this room, right?" I asked and he just galted at me.

"I'm sorry for occupying your room. I have no intentions for the same. Just like you… I too want to get away from here as soon as possible."

"Then what the hell is this?" He gritted.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, "Can't I even get this, Jaiveer? Don't I have the right to stay with my son?"

He just remained silent, glaring at me.

"We don't need to fight like this when we clearly agree on something. We are adults, for God sake! We can communicate, you know."

He folded his arms across his chest, "Yeah! I'm actually communicating."

I scoffed internally. Does this come under communicating??

"I don't want any changes in my personal space!!" He sort of demanded.

I chuckled, "Very generous of you to demand that when you made a huge change by getting married."

All the blood from his face drained and his lips thinned.

A second later he opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off because I really have no intentions to have a useless fight with him right now, "Jaiveer, I don't have any motive to change your life or your room. It is just a selfish wish for me to have my baby near me. But I can assure you that in no way neither I nor my son will bother you anymore."

He raised his brow, sort of challenging me.

"I can assure you that but I just have one request."

"What?" He asked carelessly.

"Please don't raise your voice in front of my son. He is not used to it."

He is about to open his mouth but I raised my hand stopping him.

"I know you don't care. But I hope you atleast won't make a baby cry."

Saying that I walked away into the balcony.  Holding my baby tight, I tried to calm himself down. Adiraj never cries for anything. Anything means anything. But he can't take the loud voices. It freaks him out. Most of the time Adiraj understands everything when we say that to him calmly or otherwise when we pamper him. So the need to raise our voice over him had never arised.

For the first time someone actually raised their voice near him. I just hope that it will be the last time.

Viraj!!! Please give me strength to go through these days.


A very short chapter because I don't want my babies to fight!!!!

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