Part 1

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"Well maybe we've rushed this up. Maybe we shouldn't be doing this" 

"What?" I felt my bottom lip shaking as all the air left on my body disappeared "What do you mean?"

"You should go home" she finally mumbled turning her back and walking out of the room leaving me standing there, my eyes stuck on the place where she was before, my body completely frozen, as the words echoed in my head and my chest struggled to move.

"Y/N" Sarah called me as I blinked my eyes trying to get rid of the images in my head and smiled at her nodding my head "You spaced out a little"

"I was thinking about this trip...I really need to gather more samples you know?" I shrugged my shoulders noticing an apologetic smile on her lips.

"You know you don't have to go right?" She whispered as her hand rested on my knee.

"Actually" I cleared my throat "I do... We're stuck on those tests...I need to figure out why" I kept folding my clothes and putting them in my suitcase.

"I can come with you..." she insisted as I finally stopped and looked her in the eyes.

"Sarah...I'm not a kid anymore... It's been 4 years..." I sighed as I felt a lump in my throat "I'm fine!"

"If you say so..." she shrugged her shoulders.

"Plus...Okoye assured me that she won't be near the area where I'll be working..." I continued "She probably will be stuck in that lab of hers" I spat noticing the disgust in my voice startling myself. 

"Yeah...You do seem fine" she smirked at me making me roll up my eyes. "But hey... You're gonna get there, and show her what she lost... You look really hot, and adulthood suits you! You have your own pharmaceutic company and you're doing so well babe! In fact who wants to get married in their 20's?!" she tilted her head.

"Thank you" I smiled at her before getting up and walking over to my bathroom to get the rest of my stuff.

Sarah had moved in, just while she was settling down with her job in a new lab. I took her in knowing it was going to be good for me, being alone wasn't always easy. My mind would often travel to places I would rather avoid, and she was the only one who was there for the first couple of months after I came back from Wakanda. I needed her.

"What time do we need to be at the airport tomorrow?" She yelled from my room.

"9 am Sarah! Please don't fall asleep!" I cried out hearing her chuckle to herself. "Aneka is going to be there waiting for me...I don't want to be late"

"You won't..." she sighed.

I felt my heart race faster as we came closer to the gates that lead to the track where the jet was. I felt my hands starting to sweat, and my chest pacing as I felt Sarah's hand on mine making me glance at her.

"You're good." she assured me making me smile.

"I'm good." I repeated trying to convince myself. "What if I see her?!"

"I didn't want to say anything before...But since we're here and you can't go back..." she smirked "You know you're gonna see her right? I mean... She's the Queen of the fucking place Y/N...I don't know if you were trying to trick yourself but..."

"Fuck" I sighed making her laugh "Of course I'm gonna see her"

We got to the gate, and I put down my bags before Sarah wrapped my body in her arms almost choking me.

"Call me if you need!" she whispered against my neck "And if you need me to slap that bitch"

"Oh I will" I laughed letting her go.

"Okay...Bye..." she said as I slowly turned my back and entered the doors, closing my eyes trying to calm myself down.

I kept walking, controlling my breath knowing every step was getting me closer to my biggest fear. I felt the sun hit my face and the soft wind running through my hair as I look ahead finding four Doras standing still in front of the jet making my legs shake with anxiety.

"Y/N" Aneka smiled walking towards me "It's great to see you" she said taking my bags and passing them over to another Dora who jumped into the jet.

"It's been such a long time" I said following her.

"4 years" she smiled making me frown my eyebrows.

"Yeah! You remembered!"

"Of course I did" she shrugged her shoulder "It's hard not to"

I looked around the ship, my eyes wandering around every little bit of it, as I felt a hole opening in my stomach while the sense of emptiness took advantage of me. It was like I had been there the day before. Everything was the same. Even the smell was the same. I took a deep breath before my legs started working again, sitting down on my usual chair. 

My mind started to run off to her. The sound of her voice echoed in my brain, the day when she told me she didn't want me anymore, the day I stopped being part of her life like I was never there to start with. How can someone change their mind so fast? How can someone make you feel the best you have ever felt, right before they shredded you in pieces like you don't even matter? 

How can someone you love so much, hurt you so bad that makes you question yourself in all the possible ways, and make you feel like nothing more exists besides the pain and emptiness inside of you? Because that was what she did. The person I loved the most in the world, made me feel like a little piece of garbage without any worth.

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now