Part 26

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"James! Hi.." I said again feeling my voice trembling a little as I felt a sense of burning in my stomach "What are you doing here?"

"Mark from work convinced us to come to get a drink," he said coming a little closer to me as I felt Shuri taking a step back.

My eyes wandered around his face as I tried to figure him out. MY chest was pacing knowing I had just about to kiss Shuri again, my body was wholly leaned to her and he was there. A sense of guilty invaded my body as I felt Riri and Melissa observing the whole thing a little nervous.

"I didn't know you were going out" he said kissing my cheek as I rested my hand on his chest a little confused.

"Shuri also convinced me to come actually" I said against his ear as he nodded his head.

He pulled back a little, a smile on his lips as I could smell the alcohol on his breath still focusing on his eyes waiting for him to say something. But he never did.

"James" I quickly said "This is Riri and Melissa" I gestured towards them as he smiled at them.

"Is really nice to meet you" he said running his hand over his head before leaning to me once again "So...I'll talk to you tomorrow...?" he said making me nod my head quietly as he step back again focusing his eyes on Shuri who had her eyebrows frowned and her lips pressed "Shuri" he said before turning his back.

My eyes followed his figure until he was out of my sight making my chest burst as I started to feel a little petrified. This was it. I knew he had seen it. Even tho I wasn't kissing her at the moment, I wanted to. And that was even worse. 

"C'mon..." Shuri whispered from behind me grabbing my arm "Let's go outside for a minute" 

I slowly walked behind her, letting myself be pulled by her hand through the crowd finally stepping outside and feeling the cold air on my nose. I looked around, my eyes still searching for James as I felt the anxiety running through my whole body knowing he was around. 

"I wanna go home" I mumbled to her who ran her tongue over her lips.

"Come here" she said pulling my arm and leading me into the corner of the club as I finally took a deep breath noticing no one was around.

"Shit" I finally sighed looking up at her "I'm a piece of shit"

"You're not" she said shaking her head at me.

"Oh...but I am" I quickly said running my hand over my hair leaning my back against a car as she turned around to me "He's so nice..." I let my head fall back closing my eyes. Shuri kept quiet as I felt her body getting a little uncomfortable making me look at her again. "Do you believe in soulmates?" I asked making me tilt her head a little "Like...There's a person for everyone?"

"I don't know..." she shook her head with a smile on her lips "Maybe... Do you?" Her eyes focused on mine making my legs tremble a little.

"I used to..." I shrugged my shoulders at her "I mean...I do!" I chuckled making her smirk at me "I think we all have a person, someone who stays with us forever, but I do not believe we get to end up with that person" 

"Then...what's the point of it?" she tilted her head staring into my eyes.

"I guess..." I sighed looking at my hands "Having the opportunity to experience something so unique and intense. That's the point. You get to say 'I know what it's like".

"But why?" she frowned her eyebrows "Because if your theory is true, that completely ruins every following relationship we may have. We're always going to be thinking 'nah...this is not it. I've had better".

"I don't know" I said as my eyes met hers again making me feel my chest burning a little. 

I knew exactly what that was. That was the scary part. 

"Have you already found your person?" she asked with a smirk.

"hm..." I gulped feeling my stomach twirl "I don't know".

"Yes you do" she said taking a step closer to me as my back shivered with the coldness of the car behind me. I kept quiet fully focused on her feeling her hand grab the curve of my hip as gently as possible, coming a little bit closer "You wanna know my opinion?" she frowned her eyebrow as I simply nodded at her biting my inner lip "You still think about me. Even when you're with him"

"Shuri... c'mon" I sighed rolling up my eyes.

"No No..." she chuckled "We hadn't talked in four years... And it only took a couple of days for you to be willing to risk your serious relationship" she said as I heard the word cheating echo in my mind making my stomach twirl.

"You're a little full of yourself aren't you?" I frowned my nose at her trying to hold back a smile.

"Maybe" she shrugged her shoulders as I felt her body leaning against my legs "Also..." she let out a chuckle "I think you're still with him because he is safe. And I'm not. He would never hurt you in a million years. And I have....multiple times" her eyes tensed up a little as her teeth dug into her lower lip.

"Maybe..." I finally said feeling the warmness of her body against mine "And that's why things with us would never work..." My voice became more of a whisper, my eyes staring into hers as I found a small amount of hope in my body begging her to contradict me.

"You're saying that I am that person..." her face was still almost peaceful "You still think about it"

"Of course I do Shuri..." I rolled up my eyes at her question "You don't?!"

"Obviously" she smirked at me "But I know and admit it to you and myself that you are indeed my person"

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now