Part 5

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I stood still looking into the mirror, as my eyes wandered around the reflection finding a problem with every little thing about me. Maybe a dress was too much...But she did say to dress nicely... Maybe some trousers would be a better option if I had brought them with me. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath as my hands traced the edge of the black dress attached to my body trying to convince myself I didn't look that bad.

I turned around grabbing my purse and quickly walked out of the door making my way to the elevator as I felt my legs feel a little shaky. My mind kept wondering... what could she possibly want to talk about over dinner? Was she going to talk about what happened? About work? About her?

I walked out of the elevator rubbing my hands on my legs trying to get rid of any sweat they may had on them, slowly walking out of the palace and finding Shuri standing still ahead of me wearing an all-black suit with some sunglasses on as the sunset light evolved her making my body tremble a little. It was like I was meeting her for the first time in my life, the nerves, the anxiety, everything made me feel a little nauseous. But, suddenly she turned to me, and a smile appeared on her lips making all of it go away. In a strange way, I found comfort in her. The image of her, smiling at me, waiting for me as I carefully tried not to slip on my high heels, somehow extinguished every nerve I had before. There was peace in her.

"You actually showed up" she chuckled taking off her sunglasses.

"I did" I smiled frowning my nose at her "Why are we dressed nicely?" I asked.

"Because we are having a business meeting" she smirked starting to walk over to the black car in front of us.

"So this is a business meeting?" I frowned my eyebrows at her as she simply nodded her head "Well...I should tell you, I'm really uncomfortable right now...I feel like I can't breathe" I whispered supporting my stomach with my hand.

"But you look so good" she glanced at my body biting her inner lip as I raised my eyebrows at her showing the confusion on my face "Sorry... No compliments allowed then" she mumbled raising both of her hands up to her head.

"Thank you" I said feeling her hand on my back leading me to the car as she opened the door for me making me frown my nose at her.

Shuri smoothly walked to the other side and getting inside, starting the engine, one hand on her leg and the other on the steering wheel. I took a deep breath focusing on the road trying to figure out where she was taking us. I knew every road in Wakanda. For the 2 years and half I had lived there, I would take morning rides every now and then, discovering the most beautiful hides and laying on the floor, letting the sun hit my face a little before going to my lab.

"Where the fuck are you taking me?" I glanced at her who had a mischievous grin on her lips.

"A business meeting Y/N" she repeated herself.

I felt a little nervous, as she got into a completely empty space, full of trees and nothing more, there were no lights around us, not a single person I could see, and definitely not a restaurant. I turned around ready to ask her to take me back to the palace, right before the car made a little turn, stopping right in front of a small place, adorned with fairy lights and candles, there were a few tables on it, right on a wooden floor above the green grass.

"What is this place?" I asked not being able to take my eyes off the place.

"I wanted something nice and cozy" she said unlocking her seatbelt.

"Why?!" I glanced at her.

"Because...I heard you all those times..." she shrugged her shoulders "People who come to visit my country should have a nice place to have a meal or something" a smile showed up on her lips making my stomach twirl a little.

There were tones of words wanting to leave my lips, but none did. I quickly opened the door getting out of the car and approached the place as I felt her walking behind me.

"So, let's talk business" she chuckled taking a sip of her wine as I nodded my head.

"Yeah. I thought maybe we should have someone who stays encharged of these types of research actually...I've been thinking it through, and it happens a lot, having some problems with tests and practical runs when it comes to vibranium cells and stuff... So having someone who stays encharged of these types of travels and exchanges would be a good idea" I said also putting down my glass, as I felt my cheeks starting to burn a little due to the alcohol.

"I think that's a really good idea" she shook her head, leaning forward and resting her chin on her hand.

"Also.." I continued.

"Are you seeing someone?" she interrupted me making my breath stop immediately.

"What?" I mumbled.

"Are you seeing someone?! Like...Are you with someone?" she repeated herself showing some confidence in her voice.

"Shuri c'mon" I sighed.

"It's just a question..." she smirked at me.

"It's none of your business" I said frowning my eyes.

"It's just a yes or no question Y/N" her eyes were locked into mine like she was testing me, and I sure wasn't going to fold.

"What do you care?!" I tilted my head feeling a smirk emerge on my lips noticing she was getting amused by it shrugging her shoulders "You made your decision 4 years ago".

"I know" she whispered raising her eyebrows "But I don't see nothing wrong about wanting to know if you're with someone or not"

"I don't think these kind of questions are appropriate in a business meeting" I kept my voice calm even tho I felt my whole body screaming on the inside.

"Fair enough" she pushed herself back in her chair never breaking eye contact "Let's make it a dinner than... Friends get dinner sometimes right?" she asked frowning her eyebrow.

"So...we're friends?" I asked making her laugh and shake her head.

"I think we could be friends" she assured me as I ran my tongue over my lips noticing her eyes looking at it.

"Are you sure...?" I leaned back grabbing my glass "'Cause you do have a history of changing your mind in a matter of seconds".

Shuri pressed her lips together quickly looking over to the trees outside making me nervous, feeling I had pushed a line I didn't even knew existed. I kept quiet nervously waiting for a reaction, maybe she would start some kind of fight, or maybe she would just keep teasing like she always did. But the second she turned her face again, her eyes were soft, almost as if she had felt something.

"I really do" she said.

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now