Part 32

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"Shuri you don't have to do that" I heard my dad sigh at her as I quickly walked down the stairs finding her holding him by her shoulders and carefully sitting him down on the couch.

"Sir...With all due respect, but can you please shut up?" she smirked at him who just shook his head holding back a smile.

I smiled to myself looking at them before clearing my throat and letting them know I was in the room.

"Finally" she sighed covering my dad with his blanket "I was starting to wonder if you had drowned in there"

"Ahah" I rolled up my eyes "very funny".

"Y/N" My dad looked up at me "Shuri forced me to come downstairs against my own will" he smirked at me as she sat down next to him.

"So...You're finally getting how annoying she is? Maybe stop loving her so much.....?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Never in a million years" he smirked at her who rested her head on his shoulders with a smile on her lips.

"C'mon...stop trying to separate us and come sit" Shuri said tapping the spot next to her with her hand.

I slowly walked over to the couch, sitting down and laying back against the arm using a pillow to rest my head. Shuri kept quiet in her place, as I caught my dad gently grabbing her hand over his lap while she put the movie playing. It was all so familiar, even knowing my dad was sick, everything made sense at that moment. But for some reason, I couldn't think about her and us right now. It wasn't the time. I needed to solve myself first. 

My eyes were heavy, the sun was already low and I quickly glanced over at my dad who had fallen asleep looking so peaceful it made my heart finally breathe a little in relief. 

"You wanted to lose a guy in 10 days, congratulations, you did it. You just lost him"

"No, I didn't Ben, 'cause you can't lose something you never had"

I kept my eyes on the screen, feeling them getting a little watery and surprising myself with it, was I almost crying with a rom-com? I felt Shuri's eyes on me making me smirk at her.

"I'm not crying" I whispered to her who leaned a little over me resting her head on my lap and looking up at me.

"This is so stupid..." she sighed "They're so fucking dumb...You know I think white people like suffering for no reason...Or they just stupid" she chuckled.

"What!?" I frowned my eyebrows at her "C'mon...It's romantic...They pretend to fall in love with each other, and eventually, they actually do" I smiled at the screen.

"If they weren't such pussy's, they would be together already..." she smirked at me.

"I like the drama...Don't ruin it for me" I pouted at her resting my hand on her head and running my fingers on her curls as she pressed her lips together holding back a smile.

"He's looking good" she finally whispered glancing at my dad.

"It doesn't matter..." I sighed looking down at her "He still doesn't want to get good treatment...We both know where that leads..." I felt some tears form in my eyes once again as I examined his fragile face.

She lifted her arm up resting her hand on my knee next to her face and turning her face a little placing a gentle kiss on it before looking up at me again.

"You're calling my bluff?"

"You bet I am"

"See? This could had happen in the first 10 minutes of the movie" Shuri smirked at me as I kept my eyes on the screen.

"I swear to God Shuri" I sighed rolling up my eyes "This is one of my favorite movies...Can you please don't ruin it"

"Why?" she frowned her eyebrows at me.

"Why what?" I asked her.

"Why is it one of your favorites? I mean...."

"Because...It's comfortable... Clearly they belong with each other, and it's a movie...So we know they're ending up together... So it feels good" I shrugged my shoulders feeling my stomach twirl a little as the words came out of my mouth while the images of James yelling at me ran through my mind.

Shuri slightly opened her mouth ready to say something, but quickly stopped herself from doing it, as I saw her close her eyes while I kept playing with her curls between my fingers.

"How did you know I was there?" I whispered to her making her slowly open her eyes to look at me once again.

"We heard you leave..." she sighed "And I know you... There was no other place you could have gone at that moment...After the night we had, the way you told me you were feeling... You're still a good person, and I knew what you were about to do..." her eyes kept focused on mine making my spine shiver a little.

"I just didn't think it would end like that" I said biting my inner lip.

"Well... I met the guy only a few days ago, and I could see it happening..." she smirked at me making me roll up my eyes at her "What? I'm sorry...I didn't trust him..."

"Well...he wasn't always like that...He was kind..." I said feeling my lower lip trembling a little.

"He wasn't good enough for you..." she finally said making me stare at her "Actually...I don't think anyone is."

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now