Part 16

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My eyes were stuck on the window, I've always loved the view from the jet and it had always calmed me down, but for the first time, it wasn't working. My body was still trembling from the call. 

"hey" Shuri whispered sitting down next to me "We are almost arriving" she said as I kept my eyes focused on the landslide.

The sound of her voice made my body clench up, perhaps a feeling of guilt, knowing whatever it was wrong with my dad, I hadn't been there... 

"I should have never left" I mumbled feeling a tear rolling down my cheek.

"This had nothing to do with you" she sighed resting her hand on my knee.

I turned around to face her, my eyebrows furrowed as my chest moved up and down heavily. 

"We were fucking while James took my dad to the hospital Shuri!" I spat at her as she furrowed her eyes biting her inner lip "It has nothing to do with me?!"

"Y/N" she said "You need to calm down" her tone was low.

"I need to see my dad" I whispered feeling my lower lip trembling and letting my head fall back against the seat.

I felt my heart race as we stepped into the emergency room, people were staring at us, making me feel a little confused, before remembering I was with the Queen of Wakanda. Even after all those years, I still couldn't get used to it. Shuri stomped through a closed door as I followed her, making her way toward a nurse.

"Excuse me I'm looking for a patient, how can we find him?" she asked running her hand over her hair as I stood next to her.

The nurse escorted us to the front desk as Shuri leaned in taking control of it, and getting in charge of the situation while I followed her carefully. She had a jaw clenched up as she spoke, never being rude to the nurse, her eyes focused of the piece of paper she had been asked to fill up and as I kept my body close to hers noticing how safe she felt. 

"Y/n?" I turned my head at his voice.

"James" I mumbled between my lips slowly approaching him as he smiled at me opening his arms to hug me.

He wrapped me close to him, spinning me a little making me stay turned over at Shuri who was still at the front desk looking at us with an annoyed look on her face.

"I missed you" he said leaning his face closer to mine ready to kiss me as I felt my stomach twirl making me turn my face, feeling his lips on my cheek.

I looked over his shoulder, finding Shuri with a smirk on her lips almost amused by it before she started to walk over at us.

"James" I said pulling away "This is Shuri"

"I know" he kindly smiled at her stretching his arm towards her "It's a pleasure to meet you".

"So... you've heard about me?" she raised an eyebrow as I felt my throat closing.

"Of course..." he smiled "Queen of Wakanda... Without you Y/N would have never been able to accomplish her thesis"

I saw Shuri opening her mouth, a provocative look in her eyes, realizing James didn't know about us, any part of it. I had never told him. I always thought it was too much for him, so as the months passed by, I started to feel that maybe it was too late to tell him something he didn't needed to know. She quickly took a deep breath closing her mouth before glancing at me.

"'s a pleasure to be part of someone's advances in the medical field" she said with a smile.

"How's dad?" I looked over at James.

"He's better now... They are running a few more tests on him..." he sighed putting a piece of my hair behind my ear "It was out of nowhere Y/N... We were watching TV and suddenly he spaced out, started shaking, and lost his conscient".

I felt my heart beating faster imagining my dad suffering and passing out, my eyes started to get foggy once again, as I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"He's awake now... I'll take you to him" James smiled grabbing my hand as I looked at Shuri who had her eyes focused on them, her eyebrows slightly frowned above her eyes.

James took us over to the small hospital room, as I kept looking around trying to calm myself down at the smell of the whole hospital.

"Dad?" I whispered walking inside the room.

"Y/N" his voice was raspy, almost as if he was aphonic, there was no sign of strength in his voice. His eyes were red, his face a little skinnier than before making my heart fall down into my stomach.

"Hii" I whispered coming closer and sitting down next to him gently grabbing his hand.

"Why did you come?" he smiled at me making me chuckle "You have work to do"

"Dad..." I tilted my head "I'm sorry I wasn't here".

"And I'm sorry you are" he sighed "How's Shuri? Did you said hello from me?".

"Hi Sir" Shuri took a step forward from behind me with a smile on her lips as I noticed my dad's eyes sparkling at her.

"Shuri" he called her "I'ved missed you girl...How are you?" 

"I'm doing great..." she shook her head "You had to come in here to taste the food didn't you?" she smirked at him making him laugh.

"And to check out the nurses honey" he said making me laugh to myself. 

My dad and Shuri had always gotten along, since day one, and when I came back after she called of the engagement, my dad was heartbroken, he kept saying I was supposed to end up with her, our souls were made for each other. 

He hadn't liked James for the first couple of months, but after a few dinners and late nights, he became a little fond of him understanding that he made me happy.

"And how's that going for you?" she smirked at him with her hands in her pockets.

"Not too good...Maybe we could check them out together?" he winked at her making her let her head fall back laughing.

"Sir, I think you know I won't be able to do that right?" she ran her tongue over her lips quickly glancing at me.

"You're right..." he shook his head "My bad".

I felt my stomach turning a little, a weird warmness filling up my chest watching them talk again, it felt so right. I felt my smile disappear as my eyes focused on James who was standing right next to the bed a confused expression on his face trying to understand what was happening. 

Maybe I should've told him.


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