Part 45

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"So you're a scientist?" My mom asked as I let the sun burn my face.

"I do farmaceutical research yeah..." I nodded my head glancing at her.

"I always thought you would do something related to music or art..." she smiled at me "You've always loved to play on your little guitar..." 

"Well...Being a musician doesn't give you a very stable future... And I do love my field, so I'm happy with it"

I looked at her, she was trying her best to be nice and reachable, but I still couldn't trust her.

"I was really glad that you called...How did you get my number?" She asked me as I felt my stomach twirling a little.

"I searched for it... friend" I cleared out my throat "She's from Wakanda... And they have these beads bracelets, way more advanced than our phones...So I looked for you a couple of days ago" I shrugged my shoulders feeling my voice getting a little lower.

"She was nice..." My mom said tilting her head.

We were sitting down on a beach in front of a park, each of us on the edges of it, as I tried my best not to be way closer to her and keep the space.

"I need to know..." I sighed "Why did you leave?" My head turned to her noticing her eyebrows frowning a little.

"I wasn't fine." she sighed "I was young when I had you, and your dad and I worked so hard to be able to pay the bills, get food on the table...And somehow in the middle of it, I lost myself...I felt like I wasn't a good mother, and you didn't deserve it..."

"Well... you weren't a good mother" I said feeling my throat closing "Dad didn't only made it worse you know? He had to do everything alone..."

"I know, but.."

"He did a great job..." I interrupted her "He never made me feel like I was a burden, even when things got tough... You shouldn't have left..." I stared into her eyes noticing her eyes getting a little wet "Why did you come back now?" I frowned my eyebrows at her.

"I guess...When I heard about your dad... I didn't want you to be alone...Like I am" she looked down.

"I'm not alone" I lied shaking my head "And I know how to take care of myself..." 

"I know you do sweetie.." she smiled at me.

I felt my body loosen up as her eyes met mine, and a sense of comfort invaded my body, making me finally smile back at her. She was my mother. And there was nothing I could do about it.

"I really hope you let me be part of your life..." she said coming a little closer to me "It would be really nice" I bitted my lower lip, slightly nodding with my head as she kept her smile while scanning my face "Maybe, I can come over for dinner sometime?" she raised an eyebrow at me making me chuckle.

"Yeah...Maybe" I pressed my lips together holding back a smile.

~~Shuri's POV~~

I kept my eyes on the ceiling feeling my stomach aching remembering I hadn't eaten since the night before. Being closed in a hotel room for a whole week wasn't the most comfortable feeling in the world in terms of food, so I took a deep breath getting out of bed and putting on my purple sweatshirt before leaving the room.

I knew she had told me to go back to Wakanda, to leave, but I couldn't. Never in a million years I would leave her all alone, especially after the events of the previous days, even knowing she was one of the strongest persons I had ever met, there are things none of us could bare. I chose to stay. The words she had told me would sometimes still run through my mind, as the air started to get a little heavier, but there was nothing in this world that would ever make me hate her. No one knew I was locked up in a hotel room, and I didn't planned on anyone finding out, so I put on the hoodie, and my sunglasses and walked out trying to find the nearest restaurant around. 

The sun was high, even tho there was still a cold air around me, people were sitting down and strolling around trying to enjoy every bit of sunlight they could possibly get, and children were running on the grass, as their little chuckles made my heart fill up with comfort earing it. 

But as I looked to my left, my body stopped, finding her sitting on a small bench. She had the most beautiful smile in the world, the way her eyes squeezed every time she laughed, made me smile to myself, her hands quietly rested on her lap, while her hair flew around with the breeze. 

Her mom was sitting next to her, they were both laughing, and I felt a sense of warmth on my chest. The little brat actually listened to me - I thought to myself holding back a smile.

But, in a second, something startled me. My eyes scanned over the woman sitting next to her, as I felt my heart get a little heavy and worried about it. We didn't know her. I had never heard anything about her, except for the fact that when left when Y/N was still a child. And suddenly it hit me. What kind of mother does that to a little kid? 

"GRIOT" I whispered down to my wrist.

"I am here" 

"I need you to find out everything you know about her mom" I said not taking my eyes off them. 

"I'm sending you every file I found" the intelligence spoke again making me look at the holograms of tones of documents.

My eyes scanned the small letters on each one of them, and finally, I felt my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach.

"Shit" I gasped as a hole formed in my stomach.

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now