Part 24

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James left after an hour, he needed to show some houses and I didn't bother as my mind kept rumbling about what Shuri had said. I closed the door letting him out, slowly turning around and glancing at Shuri who was sitting on the couch watching a documentary about Egyptian pyramids. 

"Your dad is asleep" she mumbled as I quietly sat down on the other side of the couch.

"I figured since you weren't stuck in there with him" I smirked at her getting a single smile as a response.

She kept her eyes on the screen as I carefully examined her face feeling my chest pacing a little with nerves.

"Do you want to ask me something?" she asked still not looking at me.

"Well..." I sighed "Kinda..."

"I'm not gonna be the one who makes the decisions for you" she finally looked at me slowly turning her body around and resting her chin on her hand.

"But you lied..." I tilted my head.

"So did you..." her eyes were almost staring into my soul "Since the first day you met him...Did you tell him about yesterday? Or the day before?" her eyebrows frowned over her eyes as I shook my head "That's what I thought...."

"But..." I mumbled

"If you had told him the truth about why we broke up he would be insecure about me being here... And I want to be here" a smile formed on her lips "Besides...If you didn't tell him about everything... it was for a reason... You still want to be with him, because you love him right?" 

My eyes stared into hers, she was definitely waiting for an answer, there was a glimpse of hope in them, and her eyebrows still frowned, as she slowly bit her cheek making me look down feeling my chest burning. It should be an easy question, but my mouth wouldn't open, not a sound would come out of it as I simply nodded my head agreeing with her making her press her lips together before letting a sigh come out.

"You're a grown woman..." she said "You should make your own decisions..."

I swallowed deeply as a sense of guilt started to fill up my body making my spine shiver, she was so still, so peaceful. 

"Why are you watching pyramids?" I chuckled trying to lighten up the mood.

"It's interesting" she shrugged her shoulders turning around to the tv again.

Her body was completely laid back on the couch, her arms behind her neck as my eyes focused on her side profile, every detail on her, I remembered every single one of them. I slowly moved my body closer to her resting my head on her chest as her arm wrapped me against her making me feel a little relief.

"Am I hurting you?" I mumbled as she took a second to answer.

"I'm the Black Panther Y/N" she chuckled looking down at me.

"You know that's not what I meant" I frowned my eyebrows a little.

"No..." she whispered "You could never"

"Y/N" My dad raised his voice at me "You're going to get dressed and go out!"

Riri had called saying she was in town and inviting us for a drink, but the feeling of guilt about leaving my dad took hold of me.

"Dad!" I yelled "What if you feel sick?" 

"I have a phone!" he smirked at me.

"Also" Shuri interrupted me "I gave him a bracelet!"

I quickly looked down at his wrist finding it feeling a little relieved before glancing at her once again.

"Beads?" I asked as she nodded "Fine! But if something happens... You'll call me right away!" I raised both my eyebrows at him as he rolled up his eyes.

"Sir... If I may..." Shuri walked a little closer with a smirk on her lips "I'm going to get your daughter drunk tonight"

"Please do" he sighed "I haven't seen her drunk in years..."

"What?" she quickly glanced at me frowning her eyebrows.

"Alcohol is bad for you" I shrugged my shoulders looking away.

"James is a follower of that weird healthy lifestyle" My dad sighed rolling up his eyes at Shuri who kept staring at me in shock.

"Okay...that's enough!" I said turning my back "Let's go Shuri!"

She quietly followed me as I heard her whisper something to my dad making him laugh a little and causing me to smile to myself.

I closed my bedroom door, as she sat on the edge of my bed looking around while I went into my drawers searching for something to wear. 

"Shit" she sighed standing up "you kept it"

I turned around, my eyes following her to the corner of my room as she grabbed the guitar that was leaning against the wall. Her fingers ran over the strings as a smile formed on her lips before she turned over to me.

"Of course I kept it" I said looking away "I kept everything you ever gave me"

She put it down, slowly walking over to me making my chest pace a little, my body starting to freeze. Her eyes focused on mine as she ran her tongue over her lips carefully analyzing my face. I took a deep breath feeling my spine shivering a little before she let a smirk form on her mouth.

"I'm gonna wait for you outside...." she nodded her head "Because if I stay in here for one more second, I'm gonna kiss you" her head tilted a little as I felt my stomach twirl "And I can't do that" she whispered moving away and gently walking out of the bedroom closing the door leaving me frozen in the same place.

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now