Part 35

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I finally felt my body losing up and my breathing came back a little to its normal, as I slowly opened my eyes sitting up against the wall, running my hands over my face and trying to wipe it off.

The thought of Shuri knowing he was sick and not telling me came back making me feel that sense of nausea once again as I shook my head trying to get rid of it.

"Y/N" I heard my dad calling me in his raspy voice.

"Yes dad" I quickly got up, taking a deep breath before walking into the room and finding him smiling at me with the purest eyes while tilting his head a little.

"Come here" he said using his hand to point towards the chair next to his bed as I quietly obeyed "You found out" he sighed as I felt my tears coming back.

"You told her..." I said feeling my voice trembling.

"I did" he nodded his head at me.

"You should've told me Dad..." I looked down feeling his hand gently grabbing mine.

"I don't regret not telling you... You needed to live your life. Take care of your research and go back to Wakanda" he smiled at me.

"Why did you tell her?" I looked up at him.

"Because she was the only one who could have helped you... I didn't want her to help me, I'm in peace with my decisions. But I knew how you were going to react and I knew she was the only one who could have some kind of impact on you"

"Dad..." I sighed running my hand over my hair "It has been four years...You need to stop..."

"Honey...come here" he said moving a little to the side as I climbed into the bed with him turning my face to him as he smiled "I'm your father, and there are things I should be able to pass on to you and make you realize and learn from my own mistakes and experiences...I know what you been through when she asked you to leave... I heard you crying every night from your bedroom, you didn't eat, didn't sleep, for weeks in a row, you didn't touch your research... But there are some things we need to go through to become a better person and have a clear sight of everything in our life"

"'re not trying to make an excuse for her aren't you?" I chuckled as he shook his head.

"Listen... Shuri is your person." he said as I felt my heart race against my chest "You know that, I know that, I think even she knows it..." he rolled up his eyes "You were two kids back then. You both had so much to achieve. But things are different now, and I know everything I'm saying right now is coming through one ear and getting out through another, and you won't listen to it at all...But" he sighed closing his eyes "I won't be able to rest if I don't tell you this. I've never seen you so miserable as you did four years ago. But I also, never seen you as happy as you were back then."

I kept my eyes on him, feeling my tears streaming down my face and my stomach twirling a little as his words echoed in my mind making me grab his hand a little harder.

"Sometimes things just don't go as we plan... And that's okay" he ran his fingers over my cheek "And even if you keep running away, you know you two will always find each other eventually because that's how love works"

"She should've told me" I mumbled snuggling a little more into his arm.

"What kind of person would she be then?" he frowned his eyebrow at me "I asked her not to... If you want to be mad at someone, it's me"

"I would never be mad at you" I smirked at him.

"You say that because I'm dying" he chuckled.

"Please don't use that word" I whispered feeling my chest burning.

"See... that's the kind of joke Shuri would laugh at. But...I do remember you getting mad at me because I made you wear a jacket on the first day of school and you wanted to show your new dress to everyone..." 

"I was 12 dad" I rolled up my eyes trying to hide a smile.

"I know" he said leaning a little over me and placing a kiss on my forehead as I closed my eyes "I love you so much... I just want you to be happy"

"I know" I sighed "I love you too"

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now