Part 38

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Two days had passed. Shuri stayed with me for the whole time, ordering takeout as we just stayed in bed or moved to the couch to watch tv. There were times when I started crying out of nowhere, as Shuri just stood quiet, gently grabbing me closer to her and not saying a word. There was no control over what I felt or stop feeling, just the sense of comfort around her and not caring about anything. 

Sarah stayed with us for the first day, but she had to leave to go to work, and of course, I would never be mad at her for it. 

"What should we order for tonight?" she asked getting up and slowly walking towards the kitchen.

"What if we go out to eat...?" I said looking up from the couch as she frowned her eyebrows at me.

"Really? I mean...yeah!" she formed a smile on her lips running her hand over her hair.

"Yeah...I think we should get some fresh air" I shrugged my shoulders slowly getting up from the couch "Where do you wanna go?"

Shuri kept her eyes on me scanning my face and waiting for some more reactions as I smiled at her pressing my lips together. "You choose"

"I've been choosing for the last couple of days..." I said "I know my dad died but can you please choose this time?" I smirked at her making her raise both of her eyebrows.

"Well...nothing fancy, because I'm still wearing your sweatpants since I have no clothes whatsoever" she said leaning back on the counter.

"Shitty food it is" I smiled at her walking over to the stairs "I'm gonna take a bath now"

She just nodded her head following me with her eyes as I got into the bathroom quickly glancing at her. 

"This is the only thing I think Wakanda is missing" I said putting the hamburger in my mouth as she grabbed two fries from my board.

"We don't need this..." She said still chewing "It's plastic...We have good food"

"I know...But this makes me happy..." I said putting a fry between in lips "See? Happy!"

"You know...?" she took a sip of her soda "For a person who's been crying for the last couple of days... you look good" she tilted her head a little making me stare at her.

"Oh do I?" I frowned my eyebrows at her "Is it the puffy eyes or the bags under them?"

"I think it's the whole package..." she smirked at me "It looks like you've been hit by a truck and yet... you look amazing"

"Well...I'm gonna have to thank my tears for hydrating my skin" I smiled at her before looking down at my food and taking a deep breath "Thank you for being here...."

"I thought you were mad at me..." she kept her annoying smirk on her lips.

"I am...." I said holding back a smile "But we can pause it for a minute... Thank you for staying with me..."

"When your dad told me...." she cleared out her throat looking at me carefully "I wanted to tell you so bad... But we hadn't talked in years and he made me swear not to tell you..." she let a sigh out of her lips "He loved you so much, just the thought of seeing you worrying destroyed him..."

I felt my tears coming back as my lower lip started trembling while she kept talking. "I know... I'm sorry for snapping at you"

"It's fine..." she smirked "At this point...I'm used to it"

"You're so funny aren't you?" I rolled my eyes softly kicking her leg under the table as she opened her eyes in shock making me chuckle "I'm really glad we can be friends you know...?" I said feeling my body losing up a little.

"Yeah...I know...Friends" She raised her eyebrow looking down at her food. "So fun"

"C'mon...You know it's all it's ever gonna be... We get along as friends..." I shrugged my shoulders as my eyes tried to look into hers.

"Yeah yeah..." she took a bit of her hamburger.

"What?" I sighed.

"You know we're not just friends... Never were" She finally met my gaze raising both of her arms up in the air "But hey...I'm down for it if that's what you want..."

I felt a warmness growing inside of me, as she kept picking up her fries and sticking them in her mouth, I felt myself smiling as I traced every little bit of her face. She was so sure about everything... But this was not the time for it. There were more important things to worry about.

"So...You're coming with me tomorrow right?" I asked as she quickly lifted her eyes up to me "To the funeral?"

"What kind of daughter would I be if I missed it?" she smirked at me. "Speaking of it....There's something we need to talk about..."

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now