Part 44

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A week passed, nothing felt important enough to make me leave my house, so I stayed in bed, I don't remember watching movies, or reading a single line of a book, but the time kept passing through me as fast as I could think of it. I had nothing. I tried, I really tried to find something positive, even the smallest thing, but my mind was empty, and I couldn't reach out. 

I took a deep breath putting one foot down on the ground before sitting down as my eyes wandered around the room searching for something. My throat closed as I saw a dark sweatshirt hanging on the back of my chair through the corner of my eye making me turn my head to it and slowly walk towards it. My fingers touched the soft fabric before grabbing it and holding it closer to my chest feeling Shuri's perfume again on me, as I finally felt my heart burst in my chest making my legs tremble a little.

"I won't come back"

The words echoed in my mind as I remembered her eyes focusing on mine causing my spine to shiver a little. There was no more Shuri.

I reluctantly grabbed my phone, opening the messages and searched for her name on it, the number I had given her years ago, saying it would be easier for me to reach out to her as she frowned her nose in disapproval but still accepted it.

"I hope you got home safe" I type feeling my heart race before pressing the send button.

I stood still, my eyes staring at the screen waiting for a text back, but nothing. No response at all. She was in her own right to ignore me after all the things I had said to her, she probably hated me, and I wouldn't blame her.

I took a deep breath slowly got out of my bedroom and walked down the hallway, feeling my legs freeze while passing my dad's room and peeking into it. His bed was unmade, his old jacket still hung on his wooden chair, and the same pile of books was still stacked on his nightstand making me feel the hole in my stomach coming back. I carefully walked inside as my fingers traced down his dresser before touching the end of his bed. I let my body fall down on it against the naked mattress and my head rest against his pillow. It still had his perfume. 

"I miss you" I mumbled feeling my lower lip shake "I really needed you right now you know? I messed up. Everything... And you were supposed to be here to nag me about it, and make me feel better" I let myself cry as my fingers dug into the pillow "By the way...Mom came back...She went to your funeral" I chuckled to myself before feeling my head get a little heavier "I really wished you were here... I can't do this all by myself".

I closed my eyes trying to calm myself down, as I noticed his nightstand draw slightly opened making me lean over it and reached out to it, digging my fingers inside and feeling a thin paper right above his stack of pills. I quickly sat up taking the small envelope, reading my name on it in his handwriting, and feeling my hands shaking while I tried to catch my breath again.

I wanted to open the letter, read whatever he had written on it, but there was something in me holding me back. I kept my eyes focused on the paper finally realizing I was to afraid of it, I knew he would be disappointed with everything, so I took a deep breath putting the envelope on my pocket before getting up and going back to my room.

"Not today dad" I sighed grabbing my phone and dialing another number.

"Yes...?" A raspy and old voice answered making my heart race a little.

"Hi" I mumbled.

"Y/N? Is that you?" She asked as I bit my lower lip.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" 

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