Part 29

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My eyes slowly started opening as the sun gently lighten up the room. My back was turned to her, my body involved in her warmness making me take a deep breath not wanting to move even a little. I felt her hand gently grabbing the curve of my hip pulling me closer to her making me tremble a little closing my eyes as I felt my stomach tensing up. She let a sigh escape her lips as her fingers dug harder against the fabric of my sweatpants and our bodies fit together perfectly making me sigh feeling her slowly moving herself against me. 

My fingers grabbed the edge of my pillow as I squeezed my legs together feeling the pressure on it letting her completely control the movements of my body as I leaned my mouth against the fabric of the pillow noticing my breathing became a little heavier hearing her gasp against my neck.

I slowly moved my body, rolling myself up as her fingers slowly touched the skin under my sweatshirt and made their way toward the edge of my pants playing around it and making my head sink into the pillow. 

I felt her fingers slowly moving inside the sweatpants, grabbing the skin of the curve of my hip still pulling me closer to her making me softly moan at her touch and noticing the heat between my legs increase more and more.

"You know what you are doing..." I sighed glancing at her who had a smirk on her lips not opening her eyes as she had just woken up.

She kept quiet as I spread my legs a little more feeling her hand moving down into my groin making me gasp at her touch and turning my head to her as her lips almost touched mine. My body was trembling, craving her. I wanted more and more of her. She ran her tongue over her lips, as her fingers slowly moved down my labia, simply touching the surface of it, making me moan once again against her lips before she gently pulled them away smirking at me and letting me know exactly what she was feeling and what she had caused in me.

"Please..." I whispered against her lips as her smirk grew a little.

"What?" She finally spoke in a raspy morning voice.

"Please...Fuck me" I cried out leaning a little closer before she dodged me removing her hand from my pants and making me close my eyes almost in pain.

"No" she said running her tongue over her lips "I can't" she smirked as her arm moved a little, my eyes following it making my spine shiver as she gently put her finger on her tongue slowly tasting me.

"You're just mean" I said frowning my eyebrows and closing my legs, pressing them together trying to relieve some of the pressure.

"But I'm single" she raised her eyebrows trying to control her smile "Now...go take a seems you really need one" she chuckled readjusting her head on the pillow making me roll up my eyes.

I walked out of my bedroom, my hair still wet, making my way towards my dad's room as I heard his voice and Shuri's debating on the champion's football teams. He was arguing with her about some player being the wrong choice for the team as she kept defending the player. I tried my best to be silent, peeking through the doorframe.

"I'm telling you Shuri!" he raised his hand in the air "He's not the best defense they could have gotten"

"Sir...I'm gonna have to disagree with you" she shook her head.

She was sitting down next to him, her elbow resting on his bed, as she laughed while he kept naming his arguments to her.

"I didn't want to use this car Sir, but...." he sighed "I'm the Queen...I'm always right"

"Well" he smirked at her "Then you are making me use my own card" he shrugged his shoulders making her frown her eyebrows at him "I'm dying...So you need to let me be right" Shuri covered her mouth with her hand in shock as my dad started laughing to himself closing his eyes a little. "Please do not tell about this joke to Y/N"

"Ohhh don't worry" She chuckled shaking her head "I wouldn't be able to handle her right after"

"Of course you would..." he tilted his head to her "You always do"

She looked down letting a smile stay on her lips, before looking up at him once again and resting her chin on the edge of the bed.

"I'm sorry I didn't come to visit earlier..." she whispered to him.

"It's okay..." he smiled "I know it was hard for you... It was hard for both of you"

They stayed in silence, simply enjoying each other's presence, she was looking at the wall, while my dad kept her eyes on the ceiling letting a sigh out of his lips.

"Can you please make her use something colorful at my funeral?" he smirked at her making her chuckle.

"Ohh sure!" she answered ironically "Just as much as you let us took you to Wakanda to treat you" she frowned her eyebrows at him making him laugh a little.

I finally took a step back feeling my chest burning a little. Hearing my dad talk so lightly about his own funeral was something I never thought would happen. He was so at peace with it. Shuri was better at this than I was, maybe because death was something she had already dealt with in the past, but they had a connection I had never been able to understand. Their senses of humor were so similar, since day one they had gotten along. It was almost as if she was his own daughter. She belonged here. I took a deep breath, and everything finally sank inside my mind, starting to make sense. 

I needed to fix this. 

I needed to spot hurting people.

I needed to talk to James. 

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now