Part 40

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I felt her body tensing up under mine, while her fingers gently grabbed the back of my sweatshirt pulling me closer to her while she lifted her head up keeping her lips on mine. I slowly started moving my hips back and forth feeling her breathing getting a little puffy making me sigh against her lips.

"Hey" she whispered with a smile on her lips.

"Hi" I smiled back as her eyes met mine.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked resting her back on her pillow for a second never letting go of my waist.

I just nodded, gently biting my inner lip before attaching my lips to hers once again while feeling my whole body shivering.

I used my hand to push my hair to one side while squeezing her under my legs feeling the pressure building up between them. Her lips were gently caressing mine, her tongue wandering the insides of my mouth making me feel the most at ease I've felt for days. 

I felt her fingers tracing down the edge of my sweatshirt, slowly pulling it up making me push away from her for a second as she undressed me leaving me naked from the waist up. Her eyes scanning every inch of my skin as she took a deep breath while a smile formed on her lips before she leaned her body a little forward gently kissing the skin on my chest making my head fall back as I closed my eyes and let a sigh escape from my lips.

My back arched a little, as her lips wandered around my stomach for a little, coming right back up my chest, as I met her gaze once again feeling my smile coming back. I quickly pulled her close to me, removing her own shirt and kissing her again, feeling her skin on mine making my whole body tremble at it. 

It wasn't dirty, there was not a single drop of forbidden in what we were doing, just the feeling of comfort and right, maybe a bit of relief even. She wrapped her arm around my waist, slowly rolling me down to the bed as her body stayed on top of mine and her lips gently kissed the side of my neck making me lift my chin and giving her all the space she needed while my nails dug into her back pulling her closer to me as if it was even possible to do such thing. 

I felt her fingers running up and down my stomach, as I squeezed my legs together trying to relieve some of the tension building up between them, before she slowly started removing my sweatpants causing my entire body to clench up at it and a shiver running down my spine as the cold air touched my legs. 

I used my hand to grab her chin, my eyes staring into hers, before pulling her lips towards mine feeling her hand carefully moving between my legs, and caressing the fabric left between me and her making me sigh into her mouth as she let a smile form on it. My eyes wandered over to her hand, waiting to watch what she was doing, as I felt her staring at me while I did so. 

"Shit" I gasped as she finally moved her fingers into my underpants making me feel the warmness of her touch slowly moving up and down on me while her other arm slowly rested under my neck pulling me up and closer to her before she finally entered me making me close my eyes at it. 

I felt my teeth craving onto my lip as she gently moved inside of me, as I moved my hips trying to adjust myself to her before opening my eyes and staring into her eyes feeling my whole body losing up as she placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"You good?" She asked a little breathlessly as I nodded my head before moving my hips up and down letting her know to continue.

I spread my legs a little more, feeling my heart beating harder on my chest, before feeling myself even tighter around her, noticing she had added a finger on me making me squeeze my eyes in a good pain and pulling her face kissing her again. 

"I want to taste you" she gasp into my mouth as I smirked at her nodding my head before she slowly moved down, placing gentle kisses on my stomach down to my tight, removing herself from inside of me, and gently running her tongue over my skin making my legs tremble at her warmness and wetness. She took a deep swallow as her eyes stared into mine, before attaching her lips to me again, twirling her tongue, finding my spot as well as she always had before. I rested my hand on her head, her curls around my fingers as she gently lifted my legs a little running her tongue on me making me let out a soft moan before her fingers entered me once again causing my body to clench up at it and my hips starting to move a little aggressively towards her while she moved a little faster inside of me, never stop kissing my spot.

"Fuck" I sighed feeling the tension on my lower stomach building up and my legs starting to shake a little harder as she stepped her pace on me, until I finally felt myself bursting into her, my hips thrusting against her face, my whole body burning at it, right before losing all the strength it previously had.

I slowly opened my eyes, watching her move up, her tongue running over her lips swallowing every bit of me still on her, as I quickly attached my lips to hers trying to control my breathing.

"Don't you dare stop me" I whispered against her lips.

"I wouldn't dream of it" she smirked at me as I slowly got on my knees pulling her sweatpants down and laying her on her back before climbing on top of her and kissing her once again feeling myself on my mouth.

I placed gentle kisses on her chest between breaths, as she used her fingers to grab my hair to the side while I made my way down to her thighs feeling her spreading her legs a little to me and letting me remove her underpants before attaching my lips into her finally tasting her and hearing her let out a sigh at my touch. 

"I missed you so much" she whispered as I ran my tongue inside of her, feeling her back arch a little making me smile at myself. 

I pulled my lips away, swallowing her before slowly entering her with my fingers feeling her body tensing up and making me look at her in shock. 

"I haven't been with someone for a while" she smiled at me almost a little embarrassed.

"I can see that" I smirked making her roll up her eyes.

I moved my body up, getting closer to her once again, slowly moving my arm back and forth and attaching my lips to hers feeling her trembling a little.

"I'm gonna cum so fast" she chuckled making me smile at her.

"That's okay..." I mumbled looking into her eyes "We have time"

She softly nodded her head as I felt my heart melt at her. She seemed so fragile and vulnerable, nothing like I was used to with her. She had always had control over it, over me, over her, and for the first time, the board was upside down. 

I kept moving inside of her, never letting go of her lips, as her legs started trembling a little more, letting me know to continue as I felt her clenching up at me, her kiss getting a little slopier, and her eyes closing making me thrust a little harder, finally feeling her bursting into me.

"Shit" she gasped grabbing my neck with her hand and pulling me closer kissing me again. I gently laid next to her, feeling her chest moving up and down as she tried to control her breathing, while a smile formed on her lips. "See?" she looked over at me making me frown my eyebrows at her waiting for her to speak "That's one of the many reasons why I won't even be able to let you go" she chuckled making me laugh before feeling her pulling me to her and gently kissing me making the air escape my lungs for a second.

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