Part 19

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My eyes were burning, my breathing starting to slow down, my face still buried in her chest as her arms gently wrapped my body against hers. I could feel her chest moving up and down slowly without her saying a single word. She was just there.

I slowly opened my eyes taking a deep breath before pulling away and using my fingers to wipe the tears off my face before looking at her who had a sweet smile on her lips.

"Your eyes are puffy" she mumbled making me frown my eyebrows trying to hide a smile.

"You're an idiot" I chuckled.

"It's cute" she shrugged her shoulders as I shook my head wiping my nose with my sleeve.

I put my hair up, letting a sigh leave my mouth finally feeling my body slowing down.

"I thought you were mad..." I whispered looking up at her.

"I was...I mean..I am" she rolled up her eyes "But you're worse...And you're crying and I know how it feels..." she pressed he lips together with a sympathetic smile "I can be mad later..."

"Thank you" I mumbled looking down as I started to feel some rage building inside of me "Can you believe James left?!" I raised my eyebrows "He said he needed to work" I rolled up my eyes waiting for a reaction, but she just kept quiet, her eyes staring into mine "You're not saying anything?" I frowned my eyebrows.

"No..." she shook her head "You have bigger things to worry about than me talking trash about your little boyfriend"

I felt my stomach twirl a little hearing her saying the 'boyfriend' word, never in a million years, I would think Shuri was ever going to be meeting James. Shit, I would never think I would be with someone else besides her. It felt so distant.

"I want to take him dad" I said as she tilted her head "I mean...He doesn't want to get a better treatment...And you and I both know what that means..." I felt my lower lip trembling a little as her hand gently rested on mine "So, I don't want him to be stuck in this place".

"Okay.." she smiled at me "I think we can arrange that".

"I'm going to bring you something to eat" I said walking towards the door.

"Y/N I'm not hungry" my dad chuckled adjusting his head on his pillow.

Shuri had taken care of everything in less than an hour. She insisted that the doctor would let us take my dad home, stating that he would be in better conditions with us and at his own house. Dad immediately agreed with it saying that the food was great, but he cooked better making the nurses laugh a little. 

"Shuri brought me some donuts right before we left the hospital" he winked at her who had a smirk on her lips.

"Sir, you deserve the very best after having to put up with her" she glanced over at me making me roll up my eyes at her.

"I'm glad you're here with us Shuri" he smiled at her as she tilted her head.

"And I'm glad to be here" she said putting her hands in her pockets "It has been forever since I came here..."

"I kept inviting you to come to visit, but you're always busy" he smirked at her making her stare at me a little nervously.

"What do you mean you invited her?" I frowned my eyebrows at him.

"Your dad and I talk all the time Y/N" she smirked making me open my mouth in shock "You didn't think that just because we broke up I would stop talking with him didn't you?!" she smiled as I felt a tone of teasing in her voice.

"I can't believe you two..." I chuckled turning around to my dad who had an amused expression on his face.

"You have to learn how to let things go sweetie" he smirked at me before stretching his back frowning a little his eyebrows letting us know he was in pain.

I kept my eyes on him feeling Shuri staring at me ready to jump in help at any point, but he quickly turned his body a little letting a sigh out his lips. 

"Are you staying with us Shuri?" he asked as she quickly raised her eyebrows.

"No Sir" she shook her head "I have a hotel room waiting for me actually".

"Nonsense" he quickly interrupted her "You're staying with us".

"I don't think Y/N woul..." she whispered slowly looking at me.

"Stay" I quickly mumbled feeling my chest racing a little as her eyes stayed focused on mine "I mean...It's late...And obviously, my dad doesn't want you in a hotel room" I felt a smile forming on my lips as she tilted her head a little.

Shuri glanced at my dad who nodded his head with a smile on his face "So that's it" he said "Tomorrow I'll make breakfast for everyone and then we can go for a run" he laughed coughing a little.

"Yes Sir" Shuri nodded her head "And we can go clubbing after" she smirked at him who was still with a smile on his lips making my heart melt a little.

"Girls I love you both, but I really need to sleep now" he said moving his head a little against the pillow "Y/N you still have two pillows on your bed"

"Wha" I frowned my eyebrows.

"The other room is filled up with boxes. Sleep tight" he smirked before closing his eyes and pretending to fall asleep.

"Thank you Sir" Shuri leaned down a little next to his bed with a smirk on her lips "Goodnight".

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now