Part 28

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"Shhhh" Shuri put her index finger against her lips chuckling a little "You need to be quiet".

I pressed my lips together as she slowly closed my bedroom door raising both of her eyebrows at me and walking slowly trying to be silent. I took off my jacket placing it on a chair right next to the bed letting my body fall down on it turning my face to her.

"I'm not tired" I chuckled at her watching her come a little closer and standing still in front of me with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"No one's making you go to sleep!" she laughed closing her eyes and covering them with her hand.

"Then why did we come home!?" I frowned my eyebrows at her.

"Wanna go out again!?" she smirked at me "I saw a bar that was still open"

"No" I shook my head at her making her roll up her eyes at me "I'm cold"

"Then why the fuck are you throwing a tantrum!?" She let a chuckle out her lips. "C'mon...dress up" she sighed throwing me my sweatshirt from the night before.

I kept my eyes on her as my lips formed a smirk while I slowly sat up unzipping my dress noticing her watching my every move. 

"Want me to turn around?" she asked as her eyes met mine making my stomach twirl a little.

"No need to..." I whispered.

I pulled my hair to the side before leaning forward as my hands gently removed my shoes, throwing them to the corner of the room. Shuri was still standing in front of me, her teeth biting her inner lip as her eyes scanned my face making me a little nervous. I stood up trying my best to maintain my balance, as she gently grabbed my arm helping me with an amused smile on her face.

I looked up at her, both of our smiles had faded, as I could feel the air getting a little heavier with each second. My hand reached one of the straps of the dress slowly removing it while Shuri's eyes traced each detail of it. I took a deep breath before pulling the dress down my hips, feeling my spine shiver at the cold air looking up at her who had her eyes stuck on my body, her chest moving a little faster up and down making me bit my inner lip before she looked up at my eyes again.

I felt my heart beating a little faster, as her hands slowly touched my waist gently caressing it, making me let a sigh out my lips feeling her skin on mine. I closed my eyes, taking a step closer to her, close enough for me to feel her breath on my face, the smell of alcohol mixed up with her own perfume, enough for me to open my eyes once again and feel her bottom lip skimming against mine making my body tremble a little. 

My hands slowly wrapped around her neck, my fingers caressing the back of her head and her eyes never letting go of mine.

"I really wanna kiss you right now" she whispered into my mouth making me swallow deeply as I felt a heat building up between my legs.

"Why won't you?" I whispered back feeling her hands slowly moving down to my back, her fingers digging into my skin and pulling my body closer to her as I stood on my tiptoes.

"Because if I do" she mumbled as her lips rasped on mine "I won't stop"

Her words took over me, as I felt my knees getting a little weak hearing them, and my body tensing up little by little "Then...don't"

"And I'm gonna hurt you..." she kept going "Because I won't be gentle with you..."

"I'm not asking you to be" I looked up at her eyes once before feeling her tongue slowly touching my lower lip as my lower stomach started to tense up even more.

I felt her lips gently evolving mine, as she took a deep breath inhaling my perfume while her hands pulled me up and closer to her before her body loosen up letting me go while a sigh escaped from her mouth.

"This is wrong..." she said closing her eyes as her lips touched my cheek "I can't do this knowing you're going to feel bad about yourself right after"

I took a deep breath as a sense of guilt filled my whole body, taking a step back and focusing my eyes on hers who had an apathetic smile on her lips. 

"I'm sorry" I whispered looking down feeling her hand caressing my cheek.

"I wouldn't mind sleeping next to you tho" she smirked at me as I raised an eyebrow trying to hold back a smile.

I pulled away, putting on the sweatshirt she had previously tossed at me, while she dressed the shorts and t-shirt she had used the night before, climbing up the bed next to me and laying down opening one arm and making space for me to adjust to her body before wrapping me closer to her.

"Shuri" I whispered against her chest feeling her nod her head "Doesn't it bother you?"

"What?" she moved her head a little making me look up at her.

"Kwoning I'm with him...?" I mumbled.

"No..." she let a sigh out her lips gently shaking her head "Because I know whoever comes into our lives, and whatever happens, there's always a part of you that's mine. And a part of me that's yours. And no one can make that go away"

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now