Part 13

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Shuri kept her eyes on me as I tried to recover my breathing after the words came out of her mouth.

"You don't know what you're saying" I quietly said looking down.

"Yes I do" she calmly said.

I looked up at her again, my hands resting on my knees and my chest moving up and down as I tried to control it.

"You're only saying that because you always do this" I shook my head "You always need to get your way...And that's not cool Shuri" I quickly got up from my chair as her eyes followed me around "I're the one who chose this..."

"I know!" she interrupted me getting up "You think I don't know that?!" she frowned her eyebrows at me "You really believe I don't think about it, about you every single day?" she tilted hear head to her side a little staring into my eyes "God! You can be such an idiot sometimes!" her voice was harsh as I felt my eyes getting a little foggy "I mean! You're the one who's moved on Y/N!" 

"Yes I did!" I yelled at her "After almost 3 years I finally stopped crying over you and over all of this and found someone who actually treats me good and doesn't make me feel like I'm a disposable piece of paper" I said as I felt my fists closing against my legs.

"And you're happy right?" she asked as her voice became more soft.

I stood still looking at her feeling my lip trembling a little "yes" I whispered.

"Good" she mumbled as her eyes looked down for a second before coming right back at me "That's all I've ever wanted for you".

I felt my heart shatter hearing her words, my eyes wandered around her face searching for something. A part of me wanted to grab her, holder her tight to me, just like the old days, but I also felt rage. A small amount of it building up inside of me as my chest started to burn so much making me finally let a tear fall down my cheek.

"Then why did you left me?" I rose my voice as she quickly looked at me with suprise on her eyes "If you wanted me to be happy, why did you leave Shuri?!"

"Calm down" she said stretching her hand in my direction.

"No!" I shook my head "You don't tell me what to do anymore... I fucking loved you so much man...I was so happy here, with you, with our work together, and you decided to throw it all away! Like it meant nothing to you!"

"That's not.." she mumbled before I cut her off.

"I wanted you to be happy as well! I did my best to make it happen! Because that's what you do when you love someone and want them happy! You don't leave! You stay!" I yelled bagging my fist on the desk as her eyes followed it making her slowly walk over me.

"Stop" she whispered again as her eyebrows frowned a little more.

"You're a liar!" I continued feeling my cheeks wet and burning "You told me we would both stay! None of us would be leaving!!" My voice started to crack as the words kept coming out of my mouth.

I could feel my whole body shaking, as Shuri came closer, grabbing my arm with her right hand and staring into my eyes making me even more mad as I tried to push her away.

"Let me go!" I said harshly making her take a step back never dropping my arm, as I started to push her blindly feeling her grip become a little stronger.

"You're going to hurt yourself" she mumbled grabbing my other arm and keeping them across my chest in an X stopping me from moving as I felt my strenth dissapearing leaving only the sense of weakness in me.

"I should fucking hate you" I whispered feeling her eyes on me making my chest burn a little more.

My stomach twirled as she used her spare hand to wipe the tears of my cheeks never letting my arms lose. I ran my tongue over my lips feeling them getting dry from all the crying as she carefully looked at them with her eyes a little sad. 

"You should" she said looking back at me "I know I do".

My knees trembled a little hearing those words, and it took only a second for me to leaned against her body attaching my lips to hers making my spine shiver at her touch. She kissed me back without hesatiton, her tongue warming up mine, as our lips moved at the same time, a little aggressively, making it hard for me to breath. 

She finally let go of my arms, pushing me closer to her by the waist and I wrapped them around her neck never letting go of her lips. My chest was pacing, and I could feel my lower stomach tensing up at every touch I felt. 

"Shit" she gasped pulling away making me stare into her eyes who were filled up with concern.

I quickly pulled her closer, kissing her again and slightly bitting her inner lip making her moan a little in pain before digging her fingers into my jeans.

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now