Part 43

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I threw my coat on the couch, hearing the door closing behind me as Shuri took a deep breath.

"'re mad at me?" she asked making me turn around to face her.

"No Shuri...I'm not!" I said raising my eyebrows at her.

"You are" she shook her head looking down as her arms stretched on the kitchen counter supporting her body.

"I just think you shouldn't have meddled in it" I shrugged my shoulders feeling her looking back up at me again a little surprised.

"I just thought you should at least give her a chance Y/N" her voice was calm, making me get a little more annoyed not even knowing why.

"It's none of your business!" I spat making her raise her eyebrows at me "She's not your mother! You weren't the one who was left!" 

I swallowed deeply, as a sense of guilty ran through my body, knowing I shouldn't be saying the things I was saying, but there was something in me that kept me going, something I couldn't control. My blood was boiling in my body.

"You weren't the one who had to see all the other mothers in your school celebrating Mother's day, while you stood alone in a corner waiting for the day to be over! Always asking if you were the problem. if you weren't good enough of a daughter and why someone who's supposed to love you unconditionally chose to leave" I kept raising my voice as she stood quiet focusing her eyes on mine. 

"Are you gonna keep yelling at me?" Shuri finally asked slowly walking towards me making my legs tremble a little.

"You shouldn't have meddled in!" I repeated myself firmly.

"You want me to leave?" she raised her voice at me frowning her eyebrows over her eyes "If you want me to leave I will. The door is right there" her hand pointed over the wooded door next to me as my heart started racing a little faster.

"If you want to!" I yelled back feeling my chest burning.

"Fine! I'll leave!" she said resting her fist next to her body and running her tongue over her lips as her eyes stared into mine.

"Oh that's fine by me" I chuckled turning my back to her "That's what you always do isn't it?"

"I get you're mad, and hurt about everything, but there are limits!" she kept her voice steady as I slowly turned to her.

"FINE!" I almost screamed at her noticing she didn't flinch at it "Leave! didn't you say you were leaving?!"

I wanted to punch myself and force my mouth to shut up, but my body wouldn't let me. There was a new wave of anger built up in me, something I had never felt in my life, making me lose control over my own emotions. I kept my eyes on her, she pressed her lips together, before taking a deep breath as her body loosened up a little while she took a step closer to me.

"Look..." she sighed "I just wanted to help...I know you're a mess right now, and maybe having your mom next to you would help. I know I would love to have mine around" her voice was calm.

"This is not your mother!" I yelled at her as she took a step back frowning her eyebrows at me "Your mother died, mine chose to leave! You will never get to see your mom again, while I wish I didn't have to see mine!"

I saw her eyes getting a little wet, as the words came out of my mouth, her chest moving a little faster while she bit her inner cheek staring at me.

"I..." she mumbled shaking her head.

"C'mon! Leave!" I spat again pointing at the door once again "It's all yours! Go back to your kingdom! The great Queen Shuri needs to take care of her people! " A smirk of anger formed on my lips as she let a tear roll down her cheek. 

"You're hurt" she whispered looking up at me.

"I am!" I nodded my head "And I'm sorry you didn't get what you wanted! But guess what?! I'm not yours! You made sure that would never happen!"  My stomach was aching, and a tear formed in my eye causing me to see her a little foggy, I wanted to scream, to punch something, but I couldn't. "So...Go ahead! Leave!"

"Y/N..." she whispered coming a little closer to me "If I walk out of that door..." her eyes focused on mine "I won't come back"

I pressed my lips together looking down at the floor, trying my best not to cry more. Part of me wanted to hold her close to me, let her body warm mine, and feel her perfume on my skin again, but that hole in my stomach didn't allow me to speak. I felt my spine shivering as she closed her eyes slowly shaking her head.

"Just know I just wanted to help..." her voice was drained like she had lost every amount of energy she had ever had on her "Because even if you don't believe me...I do love you" 

My eyelids were heavier than usual, as my eyes kept staring at the floor, ignoring her before hearing the door closing next to me.

That was when I felt it. The wave of pain ran through my body making my legs tremble, my chest burning even more, and a high pitch kind of pain sinking into my stomach causing me to lose control over myself as the tears started falling down on my cheeks. I felt the urge to scream, but my voice was completely gone, almost as If someone had taken my vocal cords, and my lungs had run out of air. Everything hurted. 

There was no more dad, I couldn't talk to him, let him natter me, make me feel like little a child while he explained everything to me. It was all so empty and numb. And there was no more her, no more Shuri. 

I had made sure of that.

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