Part 46

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I banged my hotel room a little harsher than I should have, throwing the bag of fast food into the bed as I paced around the place running a hair over my hair.

There was no way... I felt my stomach twirling around while a huge amount of rage built in my chest making me close my fists against my legs while I tried to control my breathing.

"That fucking bitch" I mumbled to myself sitting down on the edge of the bed and supporting my head on my hands looking down at the floor.

My body started trembling, making me feel as I once had years ago, years before meeting her, before learning how to control that anger that kept taking hold of me. Making me the furious person on Earth, consumed with revenge and hatred. I should control it. But maybe when it came to her, it was simply impossible.

My fist banged against the metal gate, as my eyes kept looking inside the house, trying to peek into a window, when I heard the gate buzzing and opening me. I pushed the door a little harder, entering the small terrace that lead to the front door.

"Sarah" I called her trying to hold back my anger.

She slowly opened the door, carefully looking to see who it was as my eyes met hers and a smile grew on her face.

"Shuri" she said lightly "Y/N is not here"

"I know" I spat hitting the door with the palm of my hand preventing her from closing it "We need to talk"

"I'm actually a little busy right now darling" her eyes started wandering around me letting me know she was getting a little nervous. Good.

"I'll take a minute. I'm sure you'll find some time to talk to me" I faked a smile pushing the door a little harder and walking inside.

My nose burned a little as the dense air of her house surrounded me, something was wrong in there. There was not much light around, and her furniture was covered in dust, almost as if she didn't even bother to clean her own house.

"How did you find out where I live?" she asked glancing carefully at me.

"I have my ways" I smirked tilting my head.

"Can I get you a cup of coffee? Or tea?" She forced herself to smile as I stood still looking at her with my hands in my pockets.

"No thank you" I said "I know."

She quickly looked up at me, her eyes examining my face as she ran her tongue over her lips.

"Know what honey?" she asked smiling once again.

"Everything...The debts, the burglary, everything..." I spat as she took a deep breath leaning back on the kitchen counter with an amused look in her eyes.

"So?" she smirked.

"Why did you come looking for Y/N?" I mumbled angrily between my teeth waiting for her to confirm what I already knew.

"I wanted to spend some time with my daughter" she calmly said shrugging her shoulders.

"Bullshit!" I raised my voice taking a step closer as my eyes squeezed in her direction "I saw your name on the help program we had in Wakanda"

Her faced changed in a second, she was startled, something was making her nervous as the smirk she had on previously started disappearing making me keep walking in her direction.

"You knew who I was when we met... You pretended you didn't, but you did... And you knew we were engaged, it was on every newspaper and tv piece back then. It musted had burned you inside knowing the daughter you left behind was doing amazing. She had her own company, close to became second Queen of the most powerful country in the entire world... And you were still living the same pathetic life as you were back when you left" I felt the anger coming out through my voice as my nails dugged into the palm of my hand.

"You have no idea what you're talking about" she mumbled staring me into my eyes  as he body kept pulling away from me onto the counter.

"Oh...but I do..." I smiled at her "You don't care about her, do you?" I asked feeling my chest burning "You knew her dad was gone, so there was no one she could talk to, and let's be honest...there's nothing like the love of a mother...." I tilted my head to the side as she pressed her lips together "You don't deserve her. You don't even deserve to breath the same air that she breaths."

I felt myself losing control, as I quickly turned my back feeling the urge to punch her face even knowing it was wrong. She was her mother.

"I know what a mother is suppose to be, I had an amazing one, and you're nothing like her" I could hear the disgust in my words, as I spat them in her direction making her look down at the floor "So...I want you to leave!" 

"Are you sure?" she quickly looked up glancing at me with a smirk on her lips as I looked at her a little confused "Are you sure you want me to leave? After Y/N finally accepted me, and we're finally bonding...What would it look like for me to just walk away again?" She calmly said as I took a deep breath.

"It would look like the actual true...That you are a selfish, pathetic and sad woman who would rather walk away than stay with the most amazing, brightest and funniest person on Earth... Suprisingly from your own blood" I pressed my lips together faking a smile as she pulled away from the counter slowly walking around me as I looked at her over my shoulder.

"I need something then" She whispered.

"I'll transfer you the amount you want." I spat frowning my eyebrows "Money is not a problem. But you will leave, and never come back. Never. And trust me, I will know if you do"

With that, I glanced over at her, before walking out of the house letting the cold breeze hit my face again and quickly walking towards my car. 

Because, even tho she wouldn't want me around, there was no way, I would ever let anyone or anything hurt her or even bother her. Even if I had to stay hidden in a corner without talking to her. 

I had done it for four years. I could do it again. 

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