Part 8

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My eyes were focused on my bedroom ceiling, as my mind kept wandering around the memories of the night. Should I have told her I was actually with someone? Shuri was the one who called things off years ago, and it had taken me almost two years, to finally be able to look at anyone in that way. No one seemed interesting enough, and even if they did, after a couple of days I would just think "It's not her". I had the right to move on with my life, and I shouldn't have to feel guilty about it, so I shook my head turning on my side finally feeling my eyes slowly closing.

"So I wanna tell you something" I mumbled looking at Aneka who was sitting down next to me as I mixed some liquids on my test tubes.

"What now?" she chuckled leaning back.

I turned around to face her, she had a curious smile on her lips and her eyes were slightly squeezed waiting for me to talk, but my words seemed stuck.

"Last night...." I sighed "Shuri took me to dinner" she frowned her eyebrows tilting her head a little making me chuckle "And I think we kind of had a moment"

"A moment?" she asked a little amused.

"Yeah...I think... But..there's something I didn't tell you..." I chewed on my inner lip frowning my nose "I'm actually with someone..."

"What?" she yelled opening her eyes.

"Yeah...We've been together for a year and a half... " I shook my head "And Shuri found out last night...And I know it's none of my business but...I kinda feel she was a little upset about it, which honestly I don't understand since she was the one who... you know... "My voice started to sound more like a whisper "Broke up with me"

"Y/N I think it's normal... If Shuri had someone you wouldn't be thrilled by it right?" she firmly said "I don't think you have to worry about it" I nodded with my head looking back at my material and letting a sigh out my lips. 

"Well, I'm starving...I'm gonna go grab something to eat..." I got up "Wanna join?"

"I can't...Ayo is waiting for me" she said following me out of the lab.

I grabbed a sandwich and a bottle of juice walking out to sit on the grass, there was something about the sun in Wakanda that made me feel like I was recharging my energy, something different than what I felt when I was back home. 

I sat with my legs crossed, slowly chewing on my lunch, as my eyes caught a glimpse of Shuri walking towards the palace. I stood still looking at her. She had her suit on, her body was clearly in a better shape than I used to remember, her eyes were heavy, and her eyebrows frowned as she aggressively walked not even bothering to look around. She was going somewhere. 

Shuri didn't use her suit much, she preferred her lab work to physical fights, so it could only mean something had happened. 

"Shuri" I called her as I felt my heart sinking in just imagining it but she didn't looked at me. I quickly got up, running up to her and grabbing her arm forcing her to look at me. "What happened? Where are you going?" I asked as my eyes traveled down her body.

"Just taking care of something" she whispered continuing walking towards the jet.

"Is everything okay?" I asked looking around and seeing the Doras walking behind us with their spears alongside their body.

"Yes Y/N" she said harshly finally stopping and looking at me "Don't you have work to do?" her voice was cold, almost empty, and annoyed causing my body to shiver a little.

"I'm just worried" I frowned my eyebrows at her.

"Don't" Shuri shook off her arm making me let go of it watching her turn her back to me and walking into the jet followed by the Doras.

I stood still staring at it, feeling my chest burning a little. I had never seen Shuri leaving with her suit and not knowing where she was going, or what was happening. Every bit of my body was shivering at the though of her hurting herself or something worse. But it was not my place to get around her anymore. I took a deep breath watching the plane take off as my hair flew across my face with the wind. 

"What the fuck is happening?" I whispered to myself.

"Shuri's mad" I heard Nakia behind me turning around.

"Nakia" I smiled wrapping my arms around her "I've miss you so much"

"I heard you were back, and there was no way I wouldn't come to see you" she smiled letting go of me still holding my hands.

"Why is she mad?" I tilted my head.

"I don't know...But, whenever she leaves like this..." she sighed "It means something is bothering her...It's her way of dealing with it." she shrugged her shoulders.

I kept quiet, feeling a lump in my throat as Nakia's eyes wandered around my face analyzing it.

"I have a feeling it has something to do with you" she tilted her head at me pressing gently and pressing her lips.

"I also think it does"

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now