Part 42

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"Shuri c'mon" I said turning my back to the woman in front of me feeling the anger building up in my body.

"Y/N" she called me again.

I grabbed the handler ignoring her and opened the car door as her hand reached for my arm pulling me back.

"Let me go" I spat at her making her frown her eyebrows at me.

"Can we please talk?" she asked as I tried to let go of her hand.

"She said to let go" Shuri mumbled walking a little closer making her look at her in confusion.

"I just need..." My mom finally took a step closer as a sigh escaped her mouth and her eyes looked down "I want to talk to you"

"I don't have anything to talk about with you...Especially not today" My eyes wandered around the cemetery "Shuri let's go"

Shuri kept still, her body slightly leaning over mine, her eyes focused on my mom, as I turned my back once again.

"I'm sorry" the raspy voice interrupted me making my stomach twirl "I'm really sorry".

"For what?" I raised my voice frowning my eyebrows and staring at her "For leaving us? For letting dad all alone? Not caring about our existence for years? Or for showing up at his own funeral?" 

"For everything..." she sighed again. She had dark circles under her eyes, her face was thinner than I remembered and her lips were crusty and dry making me feel like I didn't even know the person standing in front of me. "Can we please talk?" she stared into my eyes.

I know people say there's nothing like the love of a mother, it's almost like an unbreakable bond you're meant to have for life, and maybe that was the reason why I felt my head nodding agreeing with it. 

"You look beautiful" my mom said as Shuri brought over the three cups of coffee, and sat down next to me.

"Why are you here?" I asked taking a sip of my coffee.

"I wanted to see you...I heard about your dad..." she looked up at me "I'm sorry"

"Well...It's not like you care" I smiled at her feeling the anger coming back as Shuri rested her hand on my leg under the table.

"So...This is your friend?" My mom ignored my comment quickly glancing over at Shuri "I'm sorry...I didn't even introduced myself...I'm Sarah...Y/N mom"

"Shuri..." she smiled at her tightening her fingers on my leg "The....friend"  she frowned her eyebrows making me look at her.

"Oh...I'm sorry...I didn't knew..." my mom mumbled a little confused.

"You didn't have to..." the words came out of my mouth in a quick second "Look mom..." I sighed " What do you need? I don't have any money if that's what you're looking for.."

"C'mon Y/N" Shuri whispered at me as I glanced over at her making her close her mouth.

"No...she's right Shuri..." My mom ran her hand over her hair as I kept still looking at her "She has every right to be mad at me..."

"I know I do...Actually... I'm not even mad at you" I chuckled feeling my fist closing under the table "Being mad at you would mean that I actually care enough about your existence to give a fuck....I don't even know who you are...You're nothing" I stared her in the eyes letting myself enjoy the fire that was growing on my chest.

"Y/N... Calm down" Shuri interrupted me once again as I quickly got up.

"You're not my mother...You're definitely not even a mother in fact..." I chuckled "So...For as much as I would love to sit here and pretend you care and that you are indeed sorry about abandoning your whole fucking family, I have more important things to do"

I grabbed my coat, turning my back, feeling Shuri quickly following me out of the coffee without saying a word, making my way towards our car.

"You didn't needed to be so hard on her" Shuri mumbled closing the car door as I glanced over at her.

"Are you kidding me?!" I asked.

"She's your mother" her eyes were starting into mine making me frown my eyebrows at her.

"She's not. She's someone who decided to leave us." I spat.

"Y/N" Shuri whispered resting her hand on my leg again.

"I want to go home. NOW" I raised my voice making her turn on the car.

I felt my hands starting to shake, as my eyes wandered out of the window finding my mom still sitting on the corner table, her cup off coffee between her hands and her eyes rested on it while she let a tear roll down her cheek making me stare at her with repulse. 

That was not my mother. Maybe once she had been, or maybe she wasn't, but at that moment, all I could see was a person who I had never met in my entire life, and yet she still made me sick to my stomach.

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now