Part 48

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"What?" I asked slowly following her as she paced around the room.

"We're back to this conversation aren't we?" She turned her body to me, scanning my face as my chest started burning from the inside.

"C'mon...Are we fighting?" I pouted making her smile as she ran her hand over her hair.

"We're not fighting!" she chuckled "I just want to know..."

"Well...I whispered slowly walking towards her as she sat down on the bed and I stood still in front of her "I think we're really good friends..."

"I do too" she said tilting her head at me "But...I think friends don't jump on each other like you just did back then" she gestured with her head over to the door squeezing her eyes a little as I tried to hold back a smile "Also... Let's be honest...We work really well together"

"Valid point..." I nodded my head smiling to myself "Except for when you make me leave and break my heart" I frowned at my nose.

"Ok...registered... What about the sex we've been having?" Her eyebrows raised as I felt my stomach twirling "I mean...I think it's really good...Like..." she frowned her eyebrows using her hands to shape something like she was squeezing the air "Really good!"

"Really good!" I agreed laughing and running my tongue over my lips.

"Also..." she swallowed deeply "You cuddle me every night since I've got here" she smirked shrugging her shoulders.

"oh...That's not a valid argument tho..." I shook my head "I cuddle with Sarah...Friends can do that"

"But not like we do" her words came quicker than I expected making me laugh.

"Right...Not like we do..." I agreed as she grabbed my hands looking up at me.

"You know we work...c' just know it...We keep coming back to each other" she was so calm, almost as if she was talking to a child convincing her to go to bed.

"I know" I smiled kneeling in front of her as she looked down at me through her curls.

Her eyes were staring into mine, making my whole body loosen up feeling at ease, she was so peaceful. I felt my heart race a little faster, as she gently leaned a little closer, her hands still holding mine, and pulling me to her until our noses skimmed on each other.

"See...?" she whispered against my lips as her eyes stared at them "I don't feel this way with friends" she smirked.

"That's a good point" I mumbled feeling her bottom lip touching mine causing a shiver through my spine.

I closed my eyes, as she gently connected her lips to mine, her hand beautifully resting on my cheek I let myself go. I could feel my chest slowing down with the peace she had on me, her tongue caressing the insides of my mouth as I tried to control my breathing while she made me even more in love.

"But" I sighed pulling back and letting my forehead rest against hers "We also know I'm not okay...It has been a lot...James, my dad, my mom" I chuckled to myself "And I don't know if I can do this right now without hurting you like I did the last time..." My eyes wandered down as I felt the hole coming back to my stomach.

"Well..." she breathed out "Friends it is" she smiled making me look up "I mean...I'm good with just the sleeping together...No funny businesses tho" she smirked as I wrapped my arms around her neck.

~~Shuri's POV~~2

~3 weeks ago~

"Sir you're daughter is a brat" I chuckled amused.

"I know I know..." he shrugged his shoulders at me "Don't know where I went wrong" he laughed "Look Shuri...There's something I want to talk to you about. Just you".

I kept my eyes on him as he took a deep breath before gently holding my hand.

"You know where this is going...We all know it" he sighed "But I need you to do me a favor..." his eyes met mine as I felt that sense of nausea running through my body "I'm gonna be gone. There's no one I would trust my daughter's life...but you. I know you two have had your shit and maybe these four years that passed weren't enough for you both to grow and became the persons you're meant to be, but you love her. I know you love her...So much Shuri..." I felt my eyes getting a little foggy as he let the words come out of his mouth.

"Sir...She's happy with James. She told me herself that he was the only one who made her better after I..." I closed my eyes trying to use the word "I quit. He's kind to her, and he makes her laugh..."

"Of course he makes her laugh." he shrugged his shoulders "He's her comfort. She found a safe space on him, which I don't totally am on board with, but she's my daughter and I want her to happy. I'm not gonna stay here and tell you how miserable she was after she returned from Wakanda, but when he came around, she almost came back to what she used to be. And I was good with that. " he smiled at me using his fingers to lift up my chin "But if it came between you and him, I don't think she would even have to choose."

"I don't think that's entirely truth" I shook my head.

"Well I'm her father" he smirked making me chuckle "I know best."

"Sir, I appreciate everything you're telling me but...I don't think..." I mumbled looking into his eyes.

"I'm not asking you to get her back sweetie" he tilted his head "I'm asking you to make sure she's happy... Whatever it comes. And I know it's a big weight to put up on you, but I also know that even if I wasn't asking you, you were still going to do it. You would never let her be sad or hurt... How was it pretending you didn't know James existed?" he chuckled making me laugh before glancing at him.

"Hard...I'll admit..." I pressed my lips together.

This man knew me too well. He knew I wouldn't be able to leave her for years without knowing if she was okay. He knew I still kept track of her. 

"So...Either it's with him, or anyone else...Just make sure my baby is safe and happy...okay?" his lips formed a sweet smile as I rested my head on his lap feeling his fingers caressing my hair "Or else I'm gonna have to hunt you...You wouldn't want that..."

Of course, I didn't want to be just friends, but most importantly, I wanted her to be happy. I needed her to happy. Even if it meant I would just observe from the outside while she made every possible mistake she could and step in when she was about to fall. But I would never, ever, let her break again.

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now