Part 7

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The car back home was silent, I couldn't find any words to say, and she didn't seem to find any either. 

"I'm sorry" she sighed running her hand over her face "I shouldn't have tried to kiss you or said any of those things..."

"It's fine" I mumbled looking through the window.

"It's really not" she insisted making me look at her "It was just the wine mixed with...I don't know...You're here, and for a second it felt like  we were teenagers again.."

"yeah" I quietly said looking down at my hands as my fingers played with my rings "I know...But we're not..."

She simply nodded not saying a word before the car stopped as I opened the door stepping out of it, feeling her behind me.

"Y/N...I'm really sorry" she repeated as I turned around to look at her.

"You've already apologized...It's fine" I shrugged my shoulders pressing my lips together. "It's an old habit...We hadn't seen each other for a long time..." I tried to find some explanation for it, trying to hide the fact that I too was flirting with her, and even worst, I felt it too.

"I just don't want us to be weird around each other" she frowned at me.

"It won't..." I quickly said looking down at the floor and feeling the hole in my stomach coming back.

The thing about Shuri was that I felt completely drawn to her. She could step on me, shattered me in pieces, could almost hate her to death, but it was inevitable the way my body shifted when I thought of her. She was my first love. And you can't forget that first love. 

I looked up once again noticing she was still looking down through her curls trying to analyze my expression.

"What??" I laughed "We're good" I gently slapped her arm making her smile.

"Alright alright" she shook her head focusing her eyes on mine "I did have a good time"

"Me too!" I smiled at her "We should do it more often! I think we can be friends"

Shuri was about to open her mouth when my phone started ringing interrupting us. I felt my stomach twirl a little, as her eyes wandered to my bag with a confused look on her face.

"Aren't you going to answer it?" she frowned her eyebrows.

"I'm sure it's nothing urgent..." I nervously smiled feeling my body shaking a little.

"C'mon it's fine...You can answer it..." she insisted as the ringtone started to get more and more annoying every second it rang. 

I took a deep breath, my eyes focused on hers, as my hands slowly reached the device taking it off my bag and nervously resting it against my face. This was it.

"Hi babe" I said in a cheerful voice noticing Shuri's face freeze hearing my words "I'm sorry... the reception here is weird, and I didn't have the chance to call you".

Shuri was staring at me, her eyebrows frowned, her teeth chewing on her inner lip trying to stay calm, but even I could feel the air getting heavier around us.

"I'm really sorry, I'm in the middle of something..I really need to go..." I smiled at my phone "I'll call you later okay...? Bye...I love you" I quickly said before turning off the phone and staying still in front of her waiting for something, not knowing exactly what.

She stood quiet, as her eyes wandered around the ground, her fist was slightly closed against her tight making me feel a little anxious.

"Soo.." she finally broke the silence "You do have someone..." she glanced at me.

"Yes" I whispered making her shake her head and raise her eyebrows.

"Hm..." she mumbled running her hand over her head "I think I'm going to bed now...It's late and we do need to work in the morning" she said starting to walk towards the front door.

"Shuri" I sighed being completely ignored as I stood still watching her leave.

"I do am sorry" she said one more time looking over her shoulder as I felt a shiver running down my spine.

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now