Part 34

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I felt my legs losing their strength as my eyes wandered around my dad's room from the door. He was laying down, a tube stuck on his arm, as his doctor check the strain gauge with his eyebrows a little frowned over his eyes. Shuri was standing still next to them carefully watching every move the doctor made, without opening her mouth. 

"So, I gave him some medication for the pain" Doctor Garcia said putting his material into his bag "He should be fine for now"

For now.

I felt my chest burning hearing the words coming out of his mouth, biting my inner cheek as I tried to control any outburst I could possibly be having. I kept my eyes on my dad, he was sleeping again, his face completely still, as his chest moved up and down as slowly as I had ever remembered seeing.

"What about when he wakes up?" Shuri spoke following him "What if it happens again?"

Doctor Garcia walked out of the room waiting for her and gently closing the door leaving us three alone in the hallway. 

"Shuri...We've talked about this..." he sighed "He choose this...He doesn't want any other treatment... There's nothing I can do about it..."

Shuri looked down, I could see some tears filling up in her eyes as she took a deep breath pressing her lips together before looking at him again.

"What if we tried that medication that you talked about before?" she raised her eyebrows "He wouldn't be in Wakanda, and we've never got to try it..."

"That was two months ago.." the doctor sighed looking at her "It won't do much at this point. I am really sorry" 

Shuri simply nodded her head as he turned around walking down the stairs followed by her. My eyes were still focused on the floor, as I tried to gather all the information I'd just heard. I couldn't move. I heard the door closing downstairs, and her footsteps coming closer as I finally looked up at her.

"You weren't here" I mumbled at her making her frown her eyebrows "Two months ago... You weren't here"

Her face got cold, her eyes wandered around my face as I tried to control my breathing.

"Y/N" she whispered stretching her arm towards me as I took a step back.

"You knew didn't you...?" I gasped feeling a tear rolling down my face "You knew he was sick...You told me yourself, you guys kept talking even after we broke up...He told you he was sick, and you didn't tell me...You didn't even tried to talk to me about it"

"He asked me not to" she mumbled between her lips as her eyes got a little heavier.

I felt my stomach twirling, suddenly feeling the urge to throw up making me close my mouth still trying to process everything.

"You're a fucking idiot" I finally said feeling my mouth trembling.


"No!" I shook my head "My dad is dying! The man you brag to love some much and who loves you like a fucking daughter is dying... And you knew since day one and didn't do shit!"

"What was I supposed to do?!" she finally raised her voice at me making me frown my eyebrows "I told him to come to Wakanda with me, I tried to convince him! He said no. I couldn't make him go! I know I could heal him, you don't think I know that?!" she let a tear fall down on her cheek "You don't think I'm tired of death?! I would do anything to save your dad!"

"You could have at least told me" I mumbled.

"He asked me not to Y/N!" Her voice was shaky as she tried to control it "I didn't sleep for nights thinking about it. Do you know how harrowing it was? Knowing he was sick and not being able to tell you about it?!"

"Sure...Because knowing your dad is dying and wouldn't be able to do anything is much better" I sighed taking a step back and letting my back lean back on the wall as she slowly walked over to me. "Don't" I whispered letting myself cry.

"I'm sorry" she said stopping in the middle of the hallway "I wanted to tell you"

"So...When James called me saying he was at the hospital..." I swallowed deeply "You knew what it was..."

Shuri closed her eyes slowly nodding her head as I felt my legs losing their strength and falling down against the wall, burying my head between them.

"This was why he didn't wanted to tell you" she said sitting down next to me.

"Oh well..." I took a deep breath "I'm sorry for my reaction".

"Y/N" Shuri sighed resting her hand on my back.

"No" I quickly lifted my head glancing at her "I want you to leave".

Her eyes wandered around my face, as she tried to analyze my expression pressing her lips together. My body was burning from the inside out, I could feel myself shaking as the lump in my throat got bigger and bigger.

"Please leave...." My voice cracked a little "Please..."

Shuri let one final tear fall down quickly wiping it off with her hand and getting up pulling her sweatshirt down. I rested my head between my legs once again, as I felt my body losing control and my eyes letting the tears fall down once again, before feeling her lips against my head, placing a soft kiss on it, right before she walked again.

The sound of the door closing was all that was needed for me to burst into tears, as I felt my whole body aching almost as if someone what covering me with fire.

He was dying, and she knew. 

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now