Part 52

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I took a look around as a sense of peace and quiet came through me as my eyes wandered around the white walls I had once called home. Shuri's bed was perfectly made, the same 4 pillows resting against it, as the sun of Wakanda shined over them giving them the perfect lighting.

"So...Okoye is being a little pain in the ass" she smirked walking into the room making me turn around with a smile on my lips "What?"

"Nothing..." I shrugged my shoulders slowly walking up to her "It seems like I've been here yesterday"

"Well...that's good" she smiled wrapping her arms around my body and placing a gentle kiss on them before her eyes met mine.

"I missed this" I whispered against her lips "I missed you"

"Well..I'm here now" she smirked making me chuckle. Her hand gently moved under my t-shirt making my spine shiver at her touch, as her lips skimmed against mine as smoothly as possible "And I'm not going anywhere"

My stomach twirled, as I stood still on my tip toes kissing her again, her lips carefully caressing mine, her chest moving against mine making me feel the temperature in my body raising a little.

I rested my hand on her cheek, as my other arm wrapped around her neck pulling her closer to me, making me breathe out against her skin. I felt her arms pulling me up to her, my legs wrapping around her waist while she slowly walked us towards her bed, gently laying me down on it and leaning her body on top of mine as her hand grabbed my waist a little harder, pulling me closer to her. 

I felt my legs spreading a little, letting her position herself between them before feeling her lips making their way down to my neck, her tongue gently licking my skin up to my ear before she took a gentle bite on it, making me gasp as my nails dug into her back. 

"I'm sorry" I whispered.

Shuri locked her lips on mine again, ignoring my apology, her body slowly moving against mine making me feel a heat between my legs causing me to clench up at it. I felt her hands carefully lifting up my dress, her fingers tracing down the edges of my underpants, making me arch my back and feeling the urge of asking for more. There was no one in the world who could make me feel the way she did. I quickly grabbed her hand with mine, moving her down my underpants making her finally touch me as a sigh escaped from my mouth.

"Fuck" she smirked staring into my mines as I felt my cheeks turning a little red "Are you in a hurry?"

"I..." I gasped as her finger moved up and down on me "I just want you..."

"Want me to what?" she tilted her head quickly glancing at my lips "Say it" she defy me.

"To fuck me" I finally gasped feeling her inside me.

I moved my hips trying to adjust myself to her, as my eyes met hers who was staring at me with an amused smile on her lips. She loved this. She loved the control she had over me.

I felt her hand grabbing me by my side, and tossing me around, forcing me to stay lay down with my face against her sheets, feeling her on my back. She lifted my dress once again, and I felt her crossing my right leg over the left one and making me squeeze them together as I frown my eyebrows in confusion. I look over my shoulder, trying to understand what she was doing when suddenly I felt her getting inside of me once again letting a painful moan escape my lips. I was so tight around her. She used her spare hand to keep my legs closed as she moved inside of me a little harder, my teeth biting the edge of her pillow as she breathed against my ear.

"Fuck..." I moan.

"Am I hurting you?" She carefully asked.

"Keep...going" I gasped feeling her move her arm a little faster and the tension in my lower stomach building up.

I felt my whole body burning, like her touch affect every inch of me. My legs started shaking while she moved the hand previously holding my legs together, up to my hair and gently grabbed it pulling my neck up to her before her lips skimmed against my ears.

"Wanna cum?" she whispered making my body tense up a little as I felt my voice disappearing forcing me to just shake my head as a yes "Well...I want you to cum on my face actually"

Shuri stopped her movement making me stare at her in disbelieve, as her body laid down next to me, her arm tossing me on top of her, forcing me to place myself right on her face before running her tongue up and down on me making my body fall down into her stomach. 

"Shit" I moan placing soft kisses on her t-shirt and gently pulling it up.

Her tongue kept drawing small circles against my spot, my body tensing up each time she passed through it as the urge of tasting her started to become bigger and bigger. I tried to control my body, my hands pulling down her shorts, trying not to move my hips so she wouldn't stop, and finally connecting my lips on to her making her sigh against my groin. 

"You're sat on my face..." She breathed out "I won't stop until you make me cum"

I felt my body getting electrified as the words came out of her mouth, starting to run my tongue on her and using my arms to pull her legs up giving me a better angle at her. She tasted so good...Feeling her move against my mouth made it even better. I started to move my hips against her face as her legs started trembling a little, before feeling her arm moving a little to its side and the sound of a drawer opening, but I didn't care. I wanted to make her feel good. I closed my eyes, trying to focus on what I was doing, before feeling something getting inside of me from behind making me let a higher gasp out my lips.

"Fuck" I cried out looking over my shoulder and seeing her moving her arm as she trusted something black and hard into me never taking her lips off my spot "Shuri.." I tried to call her feeling my body burning and my legs shaking.

"Don't stop" she moaned making me take a deep breath and connect my lips to her again, feeling my tongue getting sloppier as she moved the dark object inside of me over and over again. 

My body started to tense up, letting me know I was about to burst, as I violently pushed my fingers inside of her, in a desperate way of making her feel the same way I was feeling. 

Her legs started shaking, and her back arched a little, letting me finally let go of myself and burst against her lips while she did the same on mine. Our bodies crashed sloppier against each other finally letting me breathe out as I felt my body shutting down on top of hers.

"Shit" I sighed as I felt her removing whatever that was, from inside of me.

Her chest was moving faster, while she tried to gain her breathing back and I slowly moved from on top of her, gently laying next to her still feeling my legs shaking and my groin sore.

"What the fuck was that?" I chuckled looking up at her as she formed a smirk on her lips.

"You told me you wanted me to fuck you...." she shrugged her shoulders "So I did"

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now