Part 23

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*** Y/N POV***

I walked out of the shower entering my bedroom again, my body shaking with cold making me dress as fast as I could. I could hear some murmurs from my dad's room letting a smile form on my lips at the thought of the two of them together, laughing as they always had. I sat on my bed letting my body fall back, my eyes staring at the ceiling as I finally let myself think about all that had happened in the last couple of days. My dad was sick, that was the main point, and whatever else was happening around it came as second for me, but I knew and hated myself for the comfort I still found in her. She had been my home for years, and even knowing what she put me through, the pain I felt, it was her I felt the safest with in this situation.

I got up, rubbing my hands on my face before walking out of the room and slowly walking the hallway towards my dad's room when Shuri walked out of it, her face was tense, her eyebrows slightly frowned over her eyes.

"Hey" she smiled at me.

"Where are you going?" I asked as she started to walk down the stairs.

"I'm gonna grab some more donuts for your dad." she chuckled "The man just won't get enough of them." I let out a laugh tilting my head and staring at her "Do you want anything?" she asked me.

"No" I shook my head "thank you"

She winked at me before opening the door and walking out leaving me standing still as my eyes wandered around the space she had left empty. I took a deep breath walking into my dad's room and sitting next to him.

"Hi" I smiled at him who turned his head over to me "I heard Shuri went to grab you some donuts?"

"That girl spoils me" he chuckled.

"I know" I nodded my head holding back a smile.

I leaned my head next to him, as he slowly ran his fingers over my hair making my eyes close a little at his touch taking his perfume in as much as I could before my body jumped a little hearing the doorbell ringing making me get up.

"She just left" my dad looked up at me.

"I know" I said walking towards the door "It's not her"

I walked down the stairs, opening the door as James stretched his arms wrapping me close to him making me breath against his chest.

"I missed you" he said placing a kiss on my lips making my stomach twirl a little and my eyebrows slightly frown "How's your dad?"

"He's upstairs" I said closing the door behind him and walking up the stairs feeling him following me.

"Hey" James smiled at my dad who just smiled at him quickly glancing at me.

"How are you James?" My dad asked.

"I just came back from a meeting actually" he shook his body a little sitting down "I closed another contract!"

"I'm sorry" my dad tilted his head a little "What is it that you do?"

I quickly glanced at my dad raising my eyebrows almost feeling surprised about his question as he tried to hold back a smirk.

"Real estate" James said proudly "Actually Y/N and I talked about the possibility of moving in together and I'm always checking some properties"

"Oh really?!" My dad glanced at me with a smirk on his lips "I didn't know that James".

"We've been together for so long now..." He continued as I started to feel a little guilty just by looking at him.

"James.." I whispered making him turn his head over to me "I really need to talk to you..."

"Sure honey" he smiled staying still on his chair as I felt my dad staring at me almost amused.

"Alone...." I sighed making him get up before making my way to my room.

I took a deep breath slowly closing the door behind me as he quietly sat down on my bed moving aside Shuri's Sweatshirt.

"So...I need to tell you something" I said feeling my throat closing little by little as he kept still staring at me "You know when you meet someone, and you really like them and do your best trying to impress them?"

"Yeah" he mumbled.

"Well...I lied to you..." I said biting my lower lip as he tilted his head "Shuri wasn't just my best friend..We were together... for four years actually" I whispered feeling my body trembling waiting for a reaction.

"Oh.." he mumbled looking down "You two dated?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Actually...We were engaged" I frowned my nose.

"Shit" I said with a black expression on his face as I quickly moved next to him sitting down. "I wasn't expecting that..."

"I know..." I rested my hand on his "I just didn't know how to tell you"

"So...that's why your dad and her get along so well..." he looked at me carefully.


James was about to open his mouth before a loud knock on the door interrupted him letting Shuri in.

"I brou..." her eyes moved over to James as her face became a little tense "I'm sorry...I didn't know you were busy" she mumbled taking a step back.

"So you two were engaged?" James repeated the question staring into Shuri's eyes as she raised an eyebrow quickly lacing at me.

"Hm.." she mumbled "yes"

He kept quiet for a little, his eyes focused on the floor before he opened his mouth once again "And why did you break up?"

I felt my heart race at his question. What was I supposed to tell him? She broke up with me because she loved me too much? I felt my whole world had fallen apart the second she left our room that night? I've never felt so empty as that day? My chest started to pace as I tried my best to find an answer.

"She broke up with me..." Shuri finally spoke making me look up at her "I screwed up, real bad... and she broke up with me..." she pressed her lips before running her tongue over them "So you're good James... She's not in love with me or anything"

I felt the lump in my throat growing inch by inch as she slowly turned her back closing the door behind her, leaving us all alone again.

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