Part 2

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"Does she know I'm coming?" I whispered over to Aneka who sweetly pressed her lips together.

"Yes. Shuri has to approve everyone who comes to Wakanda" she said as I let out a nervous chuckle out of my mouth.

"Well...I remembered a time when that didn't happened" I rolled up my eyes remembering Jan.

"Hey... It's going to be okay" she gently smiled at me as I nodded my head.

I glanced over to the window, as my eyes focused on the green meadows slowly waving with the wind, creating a sense of calm in my body. I could see the jet reflection on the water as we flew over the river making me feel my heart climbing through my throat.

"We are arriving" One of the Dora's announced as I felt the urge to throw up again feeling Anekas hand on my shoulder.

I felt a little hop knowing the ship had landed quickly getting up and grabbing the bag I had kept with my books and computer making my way towards the door. The sun slightly hit my face as I took a deep breath before carefully jumping off the jet feeling my knees shaking a little.

~~~ 6 years before~~~~

"Welcome to Wakanda Y/N" Shuri approached me with a smile on her lips reaching out her hand for me to shake it.

"Thank you for letting me come" I nervously said as my eyes wandered around hers, making my stomach twirl a little.

She had a different glow than anyone I had ever met before. Her smile was the most captivating gesture in the world, her head slightly tilted to her left almost as if she was challenging me for something.

"Was the ride okay?" she asked turning her back as I followed her.

"Yeah! I had never flown on a jet before" I laughed "I have to say...pretty intimidating"

"No!" she objected also laughing "So...I'm gonna show you where you will be working. I've already asked the Doras to prepare the space for you, your things are being taken there as we speak, but if there's anything you need or want...Just come to me" a smirk emerged on her lips as I felt her eyes analyzing my whole figure making me feel a little nervous.

"Thank you" I timidly whispered looking again at her as my cheeks started burning.

"Also" she cleared her throat "I'm gonna show you where my lab is, and you're welcome to come to visit anytime, and you can also work in there if you feel like having company"


I stood still looking at my lab, the walls were still the same shade of grey as before, but for some reason they seemed a little heavier. There was a desk in the corner, the one where I used to work on my first days before Shuri started to come to get me to work in her lab with her.

I felt the hole in my stomach getting a little deeper as my eyes stopped on the main wall noticing all the papers and photos I had hung there were still in the same exact place. 

"No one is allowed to get in this room" Aneka whispered as I looked at her. I wanted to ask why, but for some reason, my mouth wouldn't open. Maybe it was better this way, avoiding the risk of hearing something I wouldn't want to. "I'm gonna go now... Feel free to make yourself comfortable, you know the place" she smiled before walking away as I let out a sigh putting down my bag on the floor. 

I walked over to the wall, as my fingers traced the small photos of me and my dad causing me to smile a little. I turned around closing my eyes trying to clean up my head from all the thoughts that started to run through it. 

"Shit" I sighed to myself quickly pulling away from the wall and walking towards the door making my way to get a coffee.

I felt my body slightly shaking as I wandered around the place I had once called 'home', my eyes were on high alert, as I swallowed trying to get rid of the lump in my throat. 

" Hi" I smiled reaching the main balcony.

"Y/N" the girl smiled at me as I furrowed my eyebrows a little confused "It's me... My mom was the one who used to serve you" she chuckled as I opened my eyes in shock.

"What?" I almost yelled "You're so big now! How's your mom?" I smiled at her.

"Good! I've taken over the place" she grinned at me making me chuckle.

"I'm glad to hear that" I nodded my head.

"A dark latte right?" she asked making me tilt my head a little as my heart warmed up a little making me nod my head "There you go" she said handing me the cup with a smile on her face.

"Thank you so much" I said "I'll see you soon" I nodded my head before turning away as my eyes wandered around the room finding a place to sit for a little.

The place was a little crowded as I struggled to find an open space. And it only took a matter of seconds before I felt my heart fall down to the floor. She was sitting down at a table in the corner, a cup of coffee in front of her, her body sitting up straight, her hands wrapping the paper cup, as her eyes landed on me making me shiver at it. I stood still as I felt my breath pacing and my chest slightly burning not being able to move at all. Her lips were steady, almost stiff, I could see her chest also moving up and down and her eyes didn't leave my face. 

I finally managed to move, slowly walking towards the door before my throat shut down hearing her call my name carefully. I turned my head to look at her, who was now biting her inner lip. I took a deep breath before making my way toward her.

"Hey" she mumbled.


Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now