Part 20

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I entered my room, my eyes scanning the place noticing it was all in the exact same place as I left it. I felt Shuri walking behind me without saying a word as I turned my head to her noticing she was almost nervous.

"C'mon...It's not like you haven't been in here before" I chuckled making her look down and shake her head. 

"I can sleep on the couch if you want..." she looked up focusing on my eyes.

"You can stay..." I whispered noticing a smile forming on her lips as she nodded her head.

I closed the door, walking towards the bed and turning on the small lamp on my nightstand before opening the closet doors and searching for clothes for both of us. I grabbed two sweatshirts placing them down on the bed as Shuri slowly walked over to them taking one for herself.

"Sweatpants or shorts?" I glanced at her holding the two pieces in my hands.

"Shorts" she said "You can have the sweatpants...I don't want to wake up with you shaking from cold".

"Thank you" I chuckled closing the closet and turning around.

My fingers touched the hem of my shirt ready to remove it, but I quickly stopped looking at Shuri who was still looking at the shorts, as her eyes met mine.

"What?" she asked frowning her eyebrows.

"Can you turn around?" I asked looking down.

"Are you for real!?" she tilted her head with a smirk on her lips making me stare at her raising my eyebrows at her "Fine..." she sighed turning her back to me "It's not like I haven't seen you naked"

"Shut up" I tried to keep my voice steady while a smile formed in my mouth. I quickly dressed up, tying my hair up as my eyes kept looking up at her making sure she wouldn't turn around. I knew her too well. "I'm done".

"Such a prude" she chuckled turning around before removing her shirt without even thinking about it twice.

I tried my best to avoid looking at her, her body, her chest moving at the rhythm of her breathing. My eyes wandered around her stomach, noticing her bandage was clean, no blood or anything almost as if she healed by a miracle.

"It doesn't hurt" she mumbled dressing up the shorts "I told you...I heal fast".

"Yeah I know..." I sighed getting inside the bed "It doesn't mean it's not weird" I shrugged my shoulders as my eyes followed her making her way to me. She ran her tongue over her lips as her eyes slowly met mine almost cautiously. "Shuri c' can get in" I chuckled making her roll up her eyes and laying down next to me.

I felt my body freezing a little as my eyes stayed stuck on the ceiling feeling her arm skimming mine. She slowly turned over to me resting her cheek on her hand making me peek at her and noticing she had a smirk on her lips.

" this gonna be awkward?" she asked a little amused.

"No..." I said "Why would it be?!" I kept looking at the ceiling trying to avoid her eyes.

"Because I met your boyfriend today and now we're sleeping together" she let out a chuckle making turn around over to her.

"See? This is what I'm talking about whenever I say you're an idiot" I laughed gently pushing her by the shoulder.

"I don't know what you're talking about" she raised her eyebrows pretending to be offended "I'm a super chill person Y/N"

"Of course you are...I mean except for when you used to embarrass me in public" I felt a smile forming on my lips.

"What?! When?!" she gasped making me close my eyes laughing readjusting my head on my pillow as my face stayed right in front of hers.

"Are you kidding?" I chuckled looking into her eyes "You don't remember when I had my first meeting and you decided to show up with the entire Dora army stating that you were the Queen and you had the right to be there?!" 

"And???" she frowned her eyebrows "I did have the right! It was an important meeting!"

"In the pharmaceutical field Shuri!" I tried to be quiet whispering against the pillow "You never worked in the Pharmaceutical field!"

"Yeah I know...But you were my girlfriend, I wanted to support you!" she kept her offended face trying to hold back a smile as I laughed against my blanket.

"It was a work meeting..." I answered back "And even off-work stuff... In front of my friends...You once told Sarah to 'fuck off' 'cause we were playing in the pool and she was being a little harsh" I pressed my lips together.

"Well..I'm sorry for trying to prevent you from breaking your nose again!" She chuckled "Do you even remember how much pain you were in?!" she frowned her eyebrow at me making me laugh.

"Fine!" I rolled up my eyes.

"Say it!" she licked her lips with a smirk.


"Say I was a good girlfriend!" she said as her eyes met mine once again making my stomach twirl a little.

"What are you? 10?" I tried to stay calm as she raised an eyebrow almost staring into my soul. 

"Maybe" she shrugged her shoulders at me never taking that stupid smirk off her lips.

"You were a good girlfriend" I sighed holding back a smile "Except for some days..."

She rolled up her eyes at me, moving her body a little adjusting on the bed, and coming a little closer to me making me bit my inner lip as I felt myself getting a little nervous. Her eyes were stuck on mine, her lips the same pink shade I remembered as she slowly moved her hand placing a lock of my hair behind my year and running her fingers on my cheek making my chest burn a little. Not nervously, but in a peaceful way, I was at ease. It was just like before. Me and her, laying down together, talking for hours, while she made me laugh and me telling her off over and over. It was good.

"Shuri?" I whispered making her slightly nod her head "Why did you make me leave?"

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