Part 36

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My dad died that night. I had fallen asleep next to him, only waking up at 3:30 am and going to my room, to find him peacefully lying on his bed the next morning.

My house was full of people, doctors, and two police officers all snuck up inside my dad's room, cleaning and taking him downstairs as I stood still at the end of the hallway sitting down against the wall watching everything. 

My whole body was numb, my chest burned each time I breathed in and out, and it felt like someone was banging irons inside of my head. He was gone. Completely gone. No more dad jokes, no more teasing from him. I would never listen to his laugh again and feel his soft and wrinkled hand grabbing mine. 

I would never feel his perfume again or taste his morning pancakes in the morning while he nervously talked shit about the Republican Party making me laugh.

"Miss" I heard someone calling me making me look up "We need you to sign these forms" the man said showing me a pile of papers in his hands making me stand up and grab them. 

I looked around, noticing the house was getting emptier with each second, they were done I guess. I handed the papers back to him as he nodded his head turning his back and walking down the stairs, leaving. 

My eyes wandered around the place, there was quiet. Not a single noise was being made. I was alone. It was like I was underwater, I couldn't hear anything and the simple act of breathing was hard and almost impossible. My chest kept moving up and down as I tried to get control of it, but the air kept running away making me rub my hand against it feeling like I was suffocating. When suddenly a scream emerged from the bottom of my lungs. I kept screaming until my voice started to fade and my body lost all its strength making me let my head fall back against the wall.

There was only one person in my mind. I just needed her. 

I slowly moved to pick up my phone, as the sound of the door opening startled me making me look down through the handrail. 


"Sarah..." I let out a sigh not being able to get up.

"Shit" I heard her whisper as she quickly ran up the stairs sitting down next to me and wrapping her arms around me holding me tight against her body as I let myself get trapped in them. "I'm so sorry" she mumbled against my head.

I wanted to speak. Talk to her. Thank her for showing up. But not a single word was able to get through the lump in my throat, so I just stood still soaking the warmness of her body and the coconut scent of her perfume.

"It's okay" she kept whispering as her fingers ran over my hair while she tried to control her own tears. 

Sarah stayed with me for hours, we didn't spoke, we just stayed there, my body leaned against hers, sometimes I would feel the tears stopping and my breathing coming back just for them to come back right after. Sarah had always been the type of person to talk whenever she was uncomfortable, but she didn't. 

"Thank you" I finally opened my mouth letting my raspy voice come out as a whisper.

"Don't be stupid" she smiled at me using her fingers to wipe the tears from under my eyes. "Want a cup of tea?" she asked.

I slowly shrugged my shoulders feeling her body move as she got up stretching her arm to me to grab onto and pulling me up. My legs still shaking, making it hard to take one step right away. It was like something had been taken away from me, from my body.

I let her go first, following her down the stairs and making my way to the couch, laying down on it as my fingers dug into the pillow on it. I heard her boiling the water, and unwrapping the plastic of the tea bag, right before the sound of the door opening up startled me once again.

"Where's she?" A firm but shaky voice entered my living room making me lift up my head.

"You shouldn't be in here" Sarah calmly said.

But she should. I felt my body burst as my eyes met Shuri's, she quickly made her way towards me, laying down next to my body and wrapping her arms around me, as my face buried into her neck making my tears come back. There was comfort in her. Her perfume invaded my brain and her chest movement calming down mine while she placed a kiss on my head. 

She shouldn't be there. Oh, but she did.

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now