Part 33

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My eyes were slowly shutting down against the back of the couch, as my fingers keep playing with her curls and her hands rested against my legs. She looked so fragile and vulnerable, so tiny. The movie ended after almost half an hour, but we just stayed there quietly as my dad slept a little more.

"What did you do for the last 4 years" I mumbled with my eyes closed.

"Not much...I have a country to take care of you know..?" she chuckled adjusting her head against me.

"So...You just stayed in Wakanda...closed up in your lab as always?" I frowned my eyebrows finally opening one eye to glance at her.

"Is there something you want to ask me?" she smirked turning her face to me and making me smirk back.

"No.." I smiled at her.

"You wanna know if I met someone..." she chuckled as I let my head fall back against the arm of the couch.

"I do not" I tried to hold back a smile.

"Yes you do..." She raised an eyebrow "I did actually..." a sigh came out of her lips.

"If you tell me it was a man I'm gonna laugh so hard Shuri" I ran my tongue over my lips.

"Ew no" she shook her head "Her name was Ada...She worked in the political department between Wakanda and the United States... She was actually really nice..." she smiled at me.

"Then why didn't it work?" I murmured feeling a little nervous waiting for the response.

Shuri moved her body a little, her eyes staring into mine as her fingers slowly ran up and down my leg and her lips forming that so familiar smirk. 

"You know" she shrugged her shoulders at me as I put a piece of hair behind my ear.

I kept quiet feeling my heart pace a little as she almost stared at my soul.

"Because she wasn't you" I heard my dad's voice from behind Shuri making me jump a little on the couch noticing he was turning his head over at us.

"Dad" I said looking at him.

"You two are impossible girls..." he sighed with a smile on his lips gently opening his eyes.

"Sir...I was trying to get her to reach that conclusion all by herself" Shuri smirked at him frowning her eyebrows as he let out a chuckle.

"I'm sorry..." he said looking at her.

"I can't stand you two" I sighed using my arms to lift my body up as Shuri moved a little, sitting down and leaning her body against mine.

"So... what did you do today?" My dad asked clearing out his throat and turning a little to us.

"Well" I sighed running my hand over my hair as Shuri kept quiet playing with her fingers "I broke up with James"

"What?" he gasped trying to hold back a smile "Why?"

"You're really funny you know that?" I frowned my eyebrows at him as Shuri laughed against my chest "I've just broken up with someone I've been with for the last couple of years and you're all amused by it"

"Honey..." he sighed "I've seen you worse... so..." he shrugged his shoulders making me roll up my eyes.

"Sir..." Shuri finally interrupted looking at him "You were totally right about him...He's a dumbass"

"Oh no..." he sighed "Did he go all crazy?"

I nodded with my head as the words James had thrown over at me echoed in my mind making my stomach twirl a little "'s over now...Can we please wrap this up"? 

My dad tilted his head quickly glancing over at Shuri who had a smirk on her lips still leaning against my chest.

I took a deep breath moving my eyes again towards the TV as I heard him coughing a little as usual, but in a second my heart squeezed a little noticing he wasn't stopping. I lifted my body as Shuri quickly sat up staring at him and resting her hand on his back.

"Sir" she mumbled.

His face got a little red, as he tried to control his breathing unsuccessfully, making me stand up and kneel in front of him. He let his body fall back against the couch, finally stopping and closing his eyes. I could hear his breathing a little raspy, he was in pain. His chest was moving up and down as he tried to breathe, as I felt my chest burn and my lower lip trembling a little.

"C'mon..." Shuri said getting up "Let's get you to bed Sir"

She quickly grabbed his arm, gently pulling him up and taking him upstairs as I followed them in silence. Shuri managed to lay him down, covering up with his blanket as I stood still in front of the door feeling my body completely freezing, watching her walk over me with her eyebrows frowned over her lips.

"You need to call his doctor right now" she whispered to me.

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now