Part 25

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"Shit" I yelled as my eyes spotted Riri in the middle of the crowd making me walk a little faster while Shuri followed me.

"What's upp?" Riri laughed wrapping her arms around me and pulling me closer to her making me bury my face in her neck. "It's been so long!"

"Way too long" I sighed as she turned over to Shuri, her eyes looking at her feet to her face with a smirk on her lips "Come here"

Shuri smiled at her hugging her before pulling away with a smile on her lips. 

"Where's Melissa?" I asked looking around trying to find her.

"She went to the bathroom" she said " it weird?" she smirked glancing at both of us.

"What?" Shuri asked frowning her eyebrows.

"Us three being here... Just like old times" Riri chuckled making me roll up my eyes.

"You're an idiot Riri Williams" Shuri laughed making her shake her head.

I looked around, people were waiting in line to get inside the club, as we were in the middle of the sidewalk, the night was cold causing my legs to shake a little as I started to wonder if it had been a good idea to wear a dress. I glanced at Shuri who had a smile on her face, her hands were on her pockets and body relaxed as always as I felt a smile forming on my lips at her image. 

"Guyyys" I heard a squeak coming from behind Riri making me peek over her watching Melissa pacing towards us.

"Hi Mel" I smiled at her gently hugging her and feeling her floral perfume on my nose.

"Shuri" she smiled at her.

"Can we please get inside now?" Shuri finally said looking at the door "Y/N is freezing to death over here"

"No, I'm not" I frowned my eyebrows at her.

"Who told you to dress like that?!" Riri teased a little looking at my dress.

"She looks good" Shuri smirked tilting her head over to me making my cheeks burn a little as Riri shook her head smirking at the floor.

"You will always say she looks good" Riri chuckled making Shuri look down at the floor.

The music was loud, making my heart beat at the rhythm of it, the lights flashing against my eyes as we moved our bodies to the beat of the music. Riri and Melissa were dancing with each other, her lips skimming against each other letting us know they were having a moment. Shuri was next to me, she had her sunglasses on and a smirk on her lips. She stretched her hand, gently grabbing mine, pulling me closer to her making me smile at myself. My stomach was rubbing into hers, her lips almost touching my neck.

"I wanna sleep with you tonight" she whispered against my ear.

"I thought you had a hotel room?" I smirked at her as she tilted her head.

"I do. But I prefer you" she said biting her lower lip as I felt my body tensing up.

"And why should I let you sleep with me?" I said running my tongue over my lips.

"C'mon" she smirked shaking her head "Because you want it too" Her breath smelled like alcohol, the warmness of it on my skin making me took a deep breath. I felt her hand grabbing my waist as she pulled me closer making me feel her breath on my cheek.

"Guys" Riri's voice made me take a step back "Don't leave us out" she wined making me laugh, noticing Shuri biting her lower lip with a smirk on it.

"You were the ones who were about to fuck each other right here" I chuckled making her shrug her shoulders.

Suddenly, Riri raised her eyebrows at me as the song we danced on our first night out together started playing making me open my mouth with enthusiasm.

"Sorry Mel" I winked at her "I'm going to rub myself on your girlfriend now"

Melissa let her head fall back laughing as I turned around, pushing my body into Riri's as I slowly went down feeling Shuri's eyes on me. I looked up meeting her eyes, she was biting her inner lip, her head slightly tilted to the side, as she watched me carefully making me smile at her before slowly moving up again feeling Riri's hands on my back. 

"Shit" she mumbled grabbing my hand and pulling me to her, making a gasp leave my lips at her touch. "You look so fucking good" she said against my lips, as I tried my best to control myself feeling my stomach twirl at her words. 

Her eyes glanced at my lips before moving back to my eyes, as I felt my legs trembling a little feeling her hands grabbing my waist closer to her "you know I'm drunk right?" I chuckled.

"So?" she whispered licking her lips.

"I thought you had a 'no funny business when drunk' rule" I smirked provoking her.

"I've lost count of all the rules we've been breaking for the last couple of days" she said as I felt myself leaning closer to her.

I didn't care. Not anymore. I knew it was the alcohol speaking, my intoxicated brain, telling me to cave into her, not think about anything else, but the truth was that I wanted her. So bad.

"Y/N?" I heard a loud call from behind me making me take a step back feeling Shuri's hand losing up a little. 

My eyes wandered around the place, the lights burning my eyes a little as I finally saw him.

"James" I whispered.

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now