Part 14

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Shuri's hands were on my back pulling me as closer to her as possible, my lower stomach skimming on her making me feel a heat between my legs as I let out a sigh before looking at her.

"Are you.." her voice was raspy making me cut her off attaching my lips to hers again.

I wrapped my hands around her neck feeling her nails digging into the skin under my shirt a little harshly as I felt my eyebrows frowning at it noticing her lips curling a little in a smile. She knew what she did to me. I used my hands to grab her sweatshirt trying to pull her over while taking small steps back, but she quickly lifted me up on her lap, as I wrapped my legs around her waist while she carried me towards the wide black table in the other corner in my lab. She put me down never taking her lips off mine, as I felt my breath became heavier at every second, I wanted her, I needed her. My mind was focused on her, her hands grabbing my skin, her lips aggressively moving against mine while her body skimmed against mine. I opened my legs, as she perfectly fitted between them just like I remembered.

"I missed you so much" she breathed out pulling away before her lips traveled down my neck making me let my head fall to the side.

My heart quickly started to race as the words came out of her mouth. I grabbed the hem of her shirt clumsily removing it, before taking my own noticing her smirk showing up while her eyes traveled through my whole body.

"Do something about it" I whispered staring into her eyes and shrugging my shoulders.

Shuri ran her tongue over her lips, before kissing me again, her tongue sloppily moving against mine, as my fingers roamed in her curls trying to pull her as closer to me as possible. I pulled back looking down, my breathing was pacing, and my eyes starting to get heavy with pure lust, I unbuttoned her trousers, trying to pull them down.

"Now c'mon..." she smirked at me tilting her head "You know how we work" I felt my lips curling, before she pulled my jeans down almost making me fall down the table, throwing them to the floor making me tremble a little as the air touched my skin. "I'll take care of you"

I felt my eyes on her hand as she touched one of her Kimoyo beads, before her arms wrapped around my legs opening them a little more as her lips wandered around my stomach making me let my body fall back and close my eyes.

Her tongue was warm against my skin, gently placing small licks on my lower stomach, making my back arch a little, my nails digging into her arm, as I tried to stay calm. She kept kissing my skin, slowly moving down as I felt the tip of her fingers touching the fabric on my undergarments making my legs shaky for a second as she looked up with a smirk on her lips.

"Idiot" I sighed feeling a smile forming on my face as she placed her lips on my groin making me gasp at it.

I felt the tip of her tongue slowly outline the thin fabric, pushing it aside finally making me feel her on me. My body shivered with her warmness, it felt like something new, but at the same time, there was nothing more familiar than her. I felt her twirl her tongue against me, making my legs shake, before she started running it up and down a little harshly as I craved my teeth on my lips trying to hold back any sounds that could come out.

"shit" I gasped lifting my head a little to look at her seeing her eyes focused on me.

I felt some tension building up on my lower stomach, my back arching a little and my legs shaking against her arms, as my head fell to the side.

"Don't" she mumbled pulling away as I stared at her a little confused.

"Wha..." I breathed out feeling my chest pacing and my body almost in pain.

My eyes were focused on her, as I felt her pulling me up, her lips pushed against mine making me taste myself on her, right before she pulled away and her hand turned my back at her pushing me down on the table once again letting a gasp out. I felt her hand departing my legs a little, as her fingers harshly ran over my skin one time before she came inside me making me gasp against the cold ceramic table and close my eyes.

I tried to move my hips a little to adjust to her, but her left arm was pressing me down preventing me from moving at all. I craved my teeth on my lips as I quietly moaned feeling her move faster inside of me not letting me adapt to her.

I felt her pumping inside of me a little harder making my body jump a little, as I wailed against the table.

"Am I hurting you?" she asked as I looked over my shoulder noticing her licking her lips.

"hm" I said yes with my head "Don't stop"

A smile formed on my lips as she smirked at me shaking her head a little and obeying me. Her arm was now moving faster than before, her eyes focused on my back enjoying every bit of it, as I felt started to feel my body trembling making me chew on my lower lip.

"Shit, shit shit" I whispered in pain.

"Louder" she said firmly.

"What if someone comes in?!" I whispered trying to control my voice.

"No one's coming in here, but you" she said as I felt her other hand moving in front of me, and pressing my spot making me let my head fall down again against the table as I closed my eyes feeling my body clenching up at it.

"Fuck" I moaned a little louder, as I felt my body bursting into her and against the table, my legs shaking a little and my chest almost burning.

I took a deep breath before getting up and slowly turning around to face her with a smirk on her face "That's my girl" she said tilting her head and running her tongue over her lips making my cheeks turn a little red.

"Shut up" I chuckled slowly kissing her again and pulling her to me before she pulled away "What are you doing?" I frowned my eyebrow still trying to recover my breath.

"You're tired " she smiled at me as I looked at her confusingly "I want you to rest now"

"Shit" I laughed at her "Why doesn't this surprise me?"

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now