Part 11

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My eyes were flooded with tears as I quickly walked over to my room desperately needing to be alone. I slammed the door, feeling my body fall onto the bed finally letting the tears out hiding my face with my arms. 

I felt a hole forming in my stomach as my head ran over the moment Shuri kissed me, and even worse, I did nothing to stop her. I had never been the kind of person to cheat on someone, especially someone I loved. I felt my lungs running out of air as turned around and stared at the ceiling. I quickly grabbed my phone dialing Sarah's number but something made me stop. I couldn't tell her, she knew the person I was with, and even tho I knew she wouldn't say a word, telling her would make it all real. It would officially make me the worst person on Earth. 

"Y/N?" A raspy voice answered the phone.

"Hi" I sobbed using my hand to wipe my face.

"What happened? Are you okay?" 

"Riri...I've fucked up...So bad" I whispered feeling my voice shake at every word.

"What do you mean...? What happened?" she calmly asked as I could hear people talking in the background.

"I'm sorry...You're busy" I mumbled trying to control my tone.

"No! Wait..." she yelled before I could hear her walking out of the room she was in and finally finding somewhere quiet "What the hell happened?"

"Fuck...." I sighed "I'm back...In Wakanda..." I said hearing her let out a sigh "I had some tests that needed to be done, and I needed to come here to collect some samples and Shuri..." I started sobbing again.

"What the fuck did she do?!" Riri quickly interrupted showing some rage in her voice.

"Fuck..." I sighed once again taking a deep breath and sitting down on the bed "She kissed me..." I whispered.

"She what now?!" she yelled.

"And I didn't stop her...I actually kissed her back..." I said feeling my stomach twirl.

"Aren't you wit..." she mumbled.

"Yes...fuck..That's the issue...I just cheated..." I said covering my eyes with my hand "And the worst part is that I don't feel bad about it...I mean...I feel bad because I'm hurting someone...but..."

"It's Shuri" a mumble came out of her mouth knowing exactly what I was about to say.

I kept silent for a moment while she waited for me to say something, but there was nothing. 

"What are you going to do now?" she finally asked.

"Shit...I don't know..." I let out a sigh finally feeling my body calming down "I'm gonna try to speed this up so I can go home...And I don't think I can be friends with her anymore" I finally said as the feeling started to sink in on me.

"Can I be honest?" her voice lowered making me a little nervous "I don't think you can be there and pretend like she doesn't exist... You know that...It's Shuri" she sighed.

She was right... I couldn't do that, even if I wanted to, there was no way I would be able to ignore her presence or even pretend that she doesn't exist.

"So...Maybe I'll just pretend that nothing happened...I just need to finish my research and leave..." I tried to sound firm and steady, trying to convince myself It was going to work out. "Aren't you two still friends?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah..." she chuckled "Why?" 

"Did she say anything? Since I came back...?" I whispered a little scared of hearing the answer.

"Y/N... Just like I don't tell her the shit you talk to me, I won't tell you what she talks..."

"fuck...sorry" I chuckled feeling a little embarrassed.

"Look, I need to go back inside...Melissa is in there with my family and I think she might leave me after this" she laughed.

"I'm sorry...And thank you" I quickly said before hanging up my phone and laying back in bed.

The sun was slightly burning my face as I covered my eyes with my arm trying to escape from it. I slowly opened them taking a deep breath as my eyes wandered around the room making me realize I needed to get up and go to my lab.

I took a quick shower, putting on some wide jeans and a t-shirt, and quickly left wanting to lock myself in my lab and avoid Shuri at all costs. 

I turned on my computer as my eyes nervously wandered around all the papers displayed on the desk full of forms and equations, before staring at the board on the wall filled up with photos from back then. There was one from when I was 11 years old, my dad was hugging me from behind as we were on the beach, I remembered my mom taking that photo a few months before she left, and even tho she wasn't on the picture, it had always felt like it was a picture of the three of us. My eyes traveled a little to the side, focusing on a different picture. Shuri was sitting on my fathers couch while I was on her lap, her arms wrapped around my waist as my head was fallen to the side while I laughed. I remembered that day. My dad wanted a photo of us, but she stated that photos weren't her thing, so he insisted and I sat on her legs while she kept joking around making me laugh so much I could feel some tears on my eyes 

I let a sigh out of my lips at the thought of it before shaking my head.

"It was a great day" her voice startle me making me turn around to face her.

"Shit...why do you keep scaring the shit out of me?!" I gasped.

"I'm sorry" she said slowly walking in.

"I'm working. Please leave" I mumbled looking back at the computer.

"There was a time where you would ask me to stay" she whispered making my chest race a litte.

"Well... There was a time where you didn't make me hate you"

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