Part 22

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I felt my eyes slowly opening as the sun brightened up the room, my face gently snuggled against her chest and her arms wrapping my body closer to her. I carefully looked up noticing Shuri was already awake, looking with a sweet smile on her lips.

"Hi" she whispered tightening her arms around me and pulling me closer.

"How long have you been awake?" I mumbled squeezing my eyes a little.

"Not for long. I just didn't wanted to wake you up" she smiled before I rested my head on top of her chest again.

I felt my body shivering a little at her warmness, her perfume around me, for a second making me feel like I was 20 years old all over again with the most sense of comfort ever. It was like everything that had happened before was just a really bad dream. A sense of relief invaded my body right before it started to get heavy again.

"I need to go check on my dad" I whispered to her feeling her nodding her head.

"By the way, you're phone has been vibrating... I took the sound off" she said grabbing the device and handing it to me.

I unlocked it, finding 6 missing calls from James as my heart started to pace a little at his name.

"Shit" I sighed dialing his numbers and putting the phone against my ear "Hey".

"morning babe" he greeted me with a cheerful voice.

"Morning" I mumbled feeling Shuri's eyes on me.

"So, I just left my office and I was thinking about swinging around your's your dad?" he asked making me close my eyes.

"I just woke up...I haven't checked on him yet" I said feeling Shuri's fingers softly playing with my hair "You don't need to come if you have work to do..."

"Hm.." he mumbled "I'll come around after lunch then..." 

"Sure...I'll see you later" I sighed before hanging up and putting down the phone feeling her smiling to herself "What!?" I frowned my eyebrows at her.

"Nothing..." she shrugged her shoulders "I just think..."

"There we go..." I rolled up my eyes at her making her laugh.

"C'mon....he's boring!" she raised he eyebrows at me as I got up, her eyes following me a little amused.

"I'm gonna check on my dad..." I ignored her comment making my way to the door as she quickly followed me without saying a word.

"Are you sure you're not in pain? We can call the doctor to ask for more meds Dad" I said sitting down next to him as Shuri leaned against the doorframe.

"Y/N I'm fine..." he sighed with a smile on his lips "Shuri did you sleep well?"

"Definitely Sir" she smirked at him with her arms crossed in front of her chest "But I had forgotten how much Y/N moves in her sleep, I mean...I was freezing cold" 

"Jesus...Shut up" I chuckled at her.

"Actually I think she made a move on me Sir...Not to be braggy about it" she shrugged her shoulders trying to hold back a smile.

"Well done Shuri!" he smirked at her before glancing at me.

"You two are unbearable" I said pulling his blanket over to his chest and covering him up a little more as my dad let out a chuckle of his mouth "I was thinking I could go grab something to eat, and we could stay with you watching a film..."

"Absolutely not!" he shook his head making me frown my eyebrows "Y/N you are not staying inside just because I'm sick"

"Dad c'mon..don't start"

"No! You two should go for a walk, do something...I don't want you to get closed up in here like me" he smiled at us.

"Well... James is coming by after lunch, so we'll eat with you while waiting for him" I said looking at Shuri who was staring at the floor with a smirk on her lips.

"Oh... James is coming" My dad repeated frowning his eyes.

"Yes Dad... he is" I tilted my head at him "Don't be rude to him"

"You've been rude to him Sir?" Shuri raised an eyebrow with a smirk on her lips.

"I'm not rude" he quickly said glancing at me "I just don't particularly have anything to talk about with him..."

I looked over at her who was trying to hold back a smile making me frown my eyebrows at her before glancing at my dad.

"So, I need to take a shower..." I sighed getting up. 

"And do you need company or help?" she asked raising both of her eyebrows and making my dad laugh quietly looking away.

"You won't shut up..." I rolled up my eyes letting a chuckle out my lips.

"Fine...." she sighed coming a little closer to the bed "I'll stay here with your Dad".

"Oh I'm sure you two have lots to talk about" I mumbled walking out of the room.

"Stop being jealous" Shuri yelled making sure I would listen.

***Shuri's POV***

I waited for a comeback, but she just ignored me banging the bathroom door as laugh as possible making me and her Dad laugh a little.

"Sir you're daughter is a brat" I chuckled amused.

"I know I know..." he shrugged his shoulders at me "Don't know where I went wrong" he laughed "Look Shuri...There's something I want to talk to you about. Just you".

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now