Part 27

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"You're drunk" I laughed looking away as I felt my chest burning a little at her words.

"Okay...and?" she smirked at me as her hand grabbed my hip a little harder "Are we assuming that everything we say when we are drunk isn't true or it's invalid?" her head tilted a little making me look back at her pressing my lips together and trying to find something to answer her. "See...? You have no arguments" she shrugged her shoulders smirking at me.

"You can't say that!" I stared at her laughing.

"Why not?!" her eyebrows frowned over her eyes.

"Because!" I laughed "I have a boyfriend...Who just saw us dancing really really close with each other! And he's a really nice guy" I frowned my nose at her.

"Okay...good for him" she kept smirking at me as I let a sigh out my lips "Look...I'm not asking you anything...I'm just saying that if your theory about soulmates and everyone having a person is real then you're mine" she simply said shrugging her shoulders once again "And a person can't be wrong for having an opinion".

"'re so poetic tonight" I teased her a little tilting my head and running my tongue over my lips.

"Also...I had a chance to kiss you twice tonight, and I stood still in my corner because I'm not going to be the one to make you do something that can make you feel bad after" she murmured as her lips formed a sweet smile.

I kept quiet as my eyes wandered around hers, my spine shivering a little as a million thoughts ran through my mind. Maybe she was right, he was safe. Probably the safest person I've ever met in my life. And yes, Shuri had broken my heart so many times, it was almost as if I enjoyed being hurt. And I couldn't be that person, the person who prefers spending their life suffering instead of being comfortable. 

"Where the fuck did you two go to?!" I heard Riri's loud voice turning the corner finally spotting the small girl as Melissa followed her with her arms around her body trying to protect herself from the cold "Jesus...You two are impossible" she rolled up her eyes as we started laughing.

"Hey Riri" Shuri laughed pulling away from me.

"We were worried sick about you two after that little encountering" she said leaning her body on the car right next to me.

"Sorry.." I smiled at her "I needed some fresh air".

"No shit!?" she raised her eyebrows a little making Shuri turn her head trying to control her laugh "You were almost eating each other out on the fucking dancefloor"

"Wow" I gasped looking at her "We were not!"

"Yes you were" Melissa finally spoke making me glance at her.

"Thanks baby" Riri smiled at her opening up her arms as Melisse leaned on her "So..That's the famous boyfriend I've been hearing about for ages but never got the chance to meet...?" she raised an eyebrow at me.

"You just did..." I said ironically making Shuri look at me with a smirk on her lips.

"You two..." Riri sighed as Melissa lifted her head up a little "Are so fucking stupid...Jesus...I can't even..." she kept rambling getting up and wrapping Mel's body with her arm "Can we go now!? My girlfriend is freezing to death..."

I leaned back off the car laughing a little, feeling my whole body shaking as Shuri came a little closer looking down with a smirk on her lips "May I?" she asked lifting up her arm.

I stood quiet, simply nodding my head at her before feeling her arm wrapping my shoulders warming up my whole body in a second. We kept walking in silence, her perfume running through my nose as my heart became a little more peaceful.

"SEE?!" Riri yelled turning around looking at us "That's what I'm talking about!!!" 

"She's cold Riri!" Shuri smirked at her running her tongue over her lips.

"Yeah yeah..." she rolled up her eyes turning away again "See? Two idiots!" I heard her murmuring to Melissa who let a chuckle out her lips.

"I'm so drunk right now" I lifted my head at Shuri whispering in her ear making her laugh to herself.

"I know" she nodded "I fucking love it"

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now