Part 9

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It had passed 3 hours, and I could feel my body trembling a little with anxiety thinking about everything bad that could had happen to her while she was gone.

I was still sitting on the law, my notebook on my lap as I tried to focus on my calculus instead of the crumpling fear growing inside of me. My eyes wandered around the numbers and figures on the paper in front of me, as I finally heard the Jet coming closer making my heart race a little, and quickly put down my notebook.

The jet landed, as the doors slightly opened letting out some Doras marching before I could see Shuri. She was limping a little, her hand covering her stomach, and there was some blood running down her nose, as she tried to wipe it off with her spare hand while she stepped down the plane.

"Shit" I gasped to myself quickly getting up and running towards her.

"Fuck" she sighed as her eyes landed on me while she rolled up her eyes.

"What the fuck happened?" I asked putting my arm on her arm trying to help her.

"Nothing" she quickly said not even looking at me "I don't need your help Y/N".

"Can you stop being a fucking idiot!?" I sighed as my eyes wandered around her face finding some more cuts and wounds on it.

"I'm fine" she mumbled frowning her eyebrows.

" are" I chuckled ironically realizing she was getting annoyed "Let me help you...please" I whispered to her as we were walking through the front door. 

She kept quieting letting me know to continue. I carried her to the nursery, sitting her down on a cushioned chair as she closed her eyes swallowing deeply trying to control her face from any expressions.

I stop in from of her, my fingers supporting her chin letting me have a full look at her face, as my heart started to feel a little tight just by looking at her.

"What happened?" I asked again as she finally opened her eyes.

"It's part of the job Y/N" she answered.

"We were together for two years and I had never seen you like this Shuri..." I sighed grabbing a gauze and gently wiping the blood around a wound on her forehead.

"Well...I guess things change" she quietly said as her eyes were stuck on the floor.

"C' were never one know...fight!" I pulled back a little to look at her.

"There are things that need to be done..." she mumbled finally looking at me as I felt my heart sink. Her eyes were heavy, she was in pain. I took a deep breath before lifting her chin up a little and continuing to clean the wounds.

"I hate seeing you like this" I said quietly.

"Well... it's none of your business actually" she spat as I frowned my eyebrows at her.

"You don't need to be rude" I said "And don't forget I'm the one cleaning your face...the measure of strength I use could change real quick" 

"I dare you" she smirked at me making me smile in relief.

I put down the gaze, kneeling in front of her as my eyes wandered around her stomach carefully observing the cut on it, making me sigh.

"It's not that're going to be fine" I said looking up at her.

She was pressing her lips together, her eyes focused on mine as her smile slowly fade away.

"I need you to take off the suit..." I mumbled pulling away.

" you" she smirked at me making me chuckle.

"I need to clean it" I said pointing at her stomach.

"Alright alright...But if you want me naked you can just ask me" she raised her eyebrows pressing one of the beats as the suit quickly disappeared leaving her in only her undergarments.

I ran my tongue over my lips, my eyes trying to focus on the wound, but she was making it impossible. Her abs were a little more defined than what I remember, her skin had the same glow she always had, and the simple movement of her chest rising up and down made my stomach twirl a little. 

"Are you good?" she smirked at me making me roll up her eyes.

"Stop" I chuckled "I'm fine!" 

I grabbed another gauze, gently rubbing the edges of the cut noticing her breath became a little heavier letting me know she was in pain.

"Am I hurting you?" I looked up at her frowning a little.

"A little...But It's fine...I've been worst" she shrugged her shoulders.

"Fuck" I sighed approaching my face a little more so I could see the edges of the wound carefully "I hate seeing you like this" I repeated myself.

"Naked?" She smirked at me tilting her head a little as she rose an eyebrow at me making me roll up my eyes "Well... I hate knowing you're with someone else" she whispered making me stop and quickly look up at her as I felt my chest burning.

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now