Part 18

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"What are you saying Dad?" I sighed closing my eyes for a minute.

"Y/N..." he whispered making me open my eyes "What good could it do?"

"Dad, they have so much more technology than us... Shuri can make you better" I said feeling my lower lip trembling a little.

"Honey..." a kind smile formed on his lips "It doesn't matter... Listen I've lived my life exactly the way I wanted...Of course, there were times where I thought 'Fuck...this shit is hard' " he smirked making me laugh between tears "But...I'm at peace with my decision... That's why I didn't told you earlier"

I stared at him as my chest burned to hear the words come out of his mouth. I frowned my eyebrow as he closed his eyes for a second.

"What do you mean 'earlier'?" I mumbled "You knew?"

"I've known for 6 or 7 months honey" he said as more tears fell down my face.

"Why didn't you told me Dad??" I sighed using my sleeve to wipe my cheeks "I wouldn't had gone away again.."

"That's exactly why..." he smiled "You needed to go...I've lived my life, you have the right to live yours. And I don't mean work"

I kept my eyes on him, feeling my body shaking from the inside, knowing there was nothing I could do to convince him to go. I let my head fall down into his chest as he gently ran his hand through my hair.

"I'm really glad she's back" he chuckled as I let out a chuckle.

"Don't start... I'm with James and you know that" I whispered against the fabric on his hospital vest.

"Yeah yeah... I know... We'll see" I felt his body moving a little as he lifted his head to kiss my head.

"No. We're taking him" Shuri shook her head keeping her eyes on the floor "I can treat him"

"I know" I sighed "He just doesn't want to" I tried my best to control my tears from falling once again.

"He's sick Y/N" she raised her voice glancing at me.

"I know! You think I don't know that?!" I matched her tone as she turned around pacing around the hallway with her hand on her head.

James was sitting down on a chair, his eyes stuck on the floor not saying a word at all, making Shuri look at him with annoyance.

"Aren't you going to do something about this?!" she spat at him making him look up at her "Aren't you her boyfriend?! Why won't you act like one!?"

"Shuri stop!" I raised my voice as she completely ignored it taking one step closer to him who kept fully quiet.

"I mean! You must have some kind of power over her since you manage to get her in the first place" her eyebrows were raised as the words kept stumbling out of her mouth filled with pure hate.

"STOP NOW!" I finally yelled making her turn her back after throwing me an annoyed look and walking away disappearing through a closed door.

I sighed sitting down next to James who was still with a blank expression on his face, and rested my hand on his knee.

"Are you okay?" I whispered as he nodded "I'm sorry about her..." 

"It's okay" he smiled at me "I can't believe she was your best friend back then" he chuckled a little making my stomach twirl.

Every time I had mentioned Shuri to James, best friend had been the term I used to describe her. And even tho she was no longer part of my life, I kept believing there was no need for me to tell him, even if that meant I was lying.

"Yeah..we're a little different" I said smiling to myself.

"I really need to go..." he mumbled as I glance at him frowning my eyebrows "I'm sorry...I have work to do..."

"oh yeah...Sure" I cleared up my throat pulling away "It's fine...It's not like we're leaving this place for a while so..."

He leaned in a bit, placing a kiss on my lips before getting up and adjusting his hair "I'll talk to you later" he smiled turning his back.

I stood still watching him walk away, feeling a tight in my chest. I looked around, the hallway was empty, no one was near, the white lights started burning my eyes from all the tears on them, as I let my head fall into my lap finally letting go of every bit of control I had ever had and letting every tear leave my body while feeling myself shaking from my feet to top of my head. 

My body acched, my throat was dry, my stomach pinching and my heart shattered in pieces still inside of me just by thinking of my dad, looking fragile as ever laying down on that bed. 

I felt a par of arms wrapping my body, as a sense of warmth surrounded my body and the smell of her filled up my nose making me leaned against her grabbing her arm as tight as possible.

"I'm here" she whispered against my head.

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now